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 (wĭsht, hwĭsht)
interj. Chiefly Scots and Irish
Used to urge silence.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(hwiʃt) or


hush! be quiet!
silent or still
to make or become silent
[C14: compare hist; also obsolete v. whist to become silent]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


Past participle: whishted
Gerund: whishting

I whisht
you whisht
he/she/it whishts
we whisht
you whisht
they whisht
I whishted
you whishted
he/she/it whishted
we whishted
you whishted
they whishted
Present Continuous
I am whishting
you are whishting
he/she/it is whishting
we are whishting
you are whishting
they are whishting
Present Perfect
I have whishted
you have whishted
he/she/it has whishted
we have whishted
you have whishted
they have whishted
Past Continuous
I was whishting
you were whishting
he/she/it was whishting
we were whishting
you were whishting
they were whishting
Past Perfect
I had whishted
you had whishted
he/she/it had whishted
we had whishted
you had whishted
they had whishted
I will whisht
you will whisht
he/she/it will whisht
we will whisht
you will whisht
they will whisht
Future Perfect
I will have whishted
you will have whishted
he/she/it will have whishted
we will have whishted
you will have whishted
they will have whishted
Future Continuous
I will be whishting
you will be whishting
he/she/it will be whishting
we will be whishting
you will be whishting
they will be whishting
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been whishting
you have been whishting
he/she/it has been whishting
we have been whishting
you have been whishting
they have been whishting
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been whishting
you will have been whishting
he/she/it will have been whishting
we will have been whishting
you will have been whishting
they will have been whishting
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been whishting
you had been whishting
he/she/it had been whishting
we had been whishting
you had been whishting
they had been whishting
I would whisht
you would whisht
he/she/it would whisht
we would whisht
you would whisht
they would whisht
Past Conditional
I would have whishted
you would have whishted
he/she/it would have whishted
we would have whishted
you would have whishted
they would have whishted
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
Mentioned in ?
References in periodicals archive ?
Whisht, a word used in the traditional song The Lambton Worm, means what?
Sailors warned Hugh Miller against whistling because of their correlative belief that it could raise a wind--"Whisht, whisht, boy, we have more than wind enough already" (59)--but it is the whirlwind in particular that has some notable attendant folk beliefs invoked to evade its danger.
Whisht! lads, haad yor gobs, Aa'll tell ye aall an aaful story...