

adj (well regarded when postpositive)
considered to be good morally, professionally, etc; esteemed: a well-regarded local MP.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Educated at Colegio de San Juan de Letran, UST, and Universidad Complutense de Madrid, he was a well-regarded professor, scholar, lawyer, and later press attache and consul in the Philippine embassy in Madrid.
Transgender and LGBT communities are not well-regarded in Pakistan and considered taboo.
14 (ANI): Lisa Bloom, a well-regarded civil rights attorney with a history of defending women, has finally released a statement explaining her decision to back Weinstein.
Summary: Police arrested four men Friday for impersonating well-regarded religious figures to approach citizens for money.
There should be well-regarded and informed pastoral priests and nuns included.
Mr Burton's talk will include items from the exhibition as well as photographs of more recent additions to the local scene, including the well-regarded Pears RNIB Centre.
The property has the benefit of a tandem-length driveway and a garage and it's in the catchment area of the well-regarded Radyr High School.
TAKAR Well-regarded, easy-to-back and rumoured to be 'in need' of his debut run at the Curragh on Sunday.
Ektihaam will hope to follow in the well-regarded footsteps of Mujahid and Alhaarth, former Shaikh Hamdan-owned winners of the Dewhurst, British racing's most prestigious race for juvenile horses.