

adj (well covered when postpositive)
1. satisfactorily or pleasantly provided with a covering
2. (Broadcasting) (of news, etc) having been given sufficient coverage: child abuse is well covered.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The areas of disruption and digital freight matching have been well-covered by folks across the industry--such as Truckstop.com's CEO, Paris Cole, in an article for Heavy Duty Trucking and more recently by FreightWaves' own John Paul Hampstead.
Massage into pork, making sure chops are well-covered. Cover and chill for at least an hour or overnight to marinade.
Milton Township is well-covered, but some other townships don't have enough committeemen to work their precincts the way the Democrats are doing by hiring people.
In addition to a well-covered announcement with Sen.
She believes that there should be well-covered themes in which technology can teach children to learn about their security on the Internet.
"The EBRD loan will allow Tunisie Leasing and Factoring to continue growing its network across the country and reaching SMEs in regions less well-covered by competitors.
One of the topics not well-covered in the Philippines is the role of the Spanish Inquisition, so Miguel Rodrigues Lourenco's paper is a good start.
A year before the 1965 Watts riot, there was a chain of eight major riots across four states that were eclipsed by that well-covered event.
This will ensure that all nook and cranny of the state are well-covered, and the people mobilized to vote for the president and all APC candidates in the forthcoming general elections.
The cakes were well-covered with a white cloth glittering with decorations.
Some people are wondering why the story is not being well-covered by the media.