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(Archaeology) Scot an early underground home
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References in periodicals archive ?
Her back to the camera, Carrie Mae Weems seems at first like an incidental tourist or an extra.
Weems devotes significant attention to the shift that occurred in the 1940s and 1950s, when more companies began promoting mass-market products to urban black communities.
The video in Carrie Mae Weems's installation Constructing History: A Requiem to Mark the Moment, 2008--a project commissioned by the National Black Arts Festival and the Savannah College of Art and Design (where Weems was in residence last year)--begins topically.
The criteria used for awarding stars must still be worked out, and Medicare will ask consumers, nursing homes and consumer groups for ideas, Weems said.
Weems and coinvestigator Natalie Costa used two scales, the Experience in Close Relationships test and the Depression Symptom Checklist-90, to measure relationship anxiety and depression in 189 adolescents.
Weems currently serves on the ABA YLD's Long Range Planning Task Force and has served in high level positions in the division's executive council and cabinet.
Only a thorough cost-benefit study will determine whether doctors should give the vaccine to all patients undergoing such procedures, Weems says.
Weems & Plath offers the SOS Distress Light, an LED visual distress signal device that meets US Coast Guard requirements to replace traditional pyrotechnic flares.
Global Banking News-April 18, 2019-Scotiabank CONTACT photography festival to feature works of American artist Carrie Mae Weems
M2 EQUITYBITES-April 18, 2019-Scotiabank CONTACT photography festival to feature works of American artist Carrie Mae Weems