waste away

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يهزُل، يَضْعُف، يَفْقِد قُوَّتَه
sygne hen
veslast upp, hnigna
eriyip bitmektükenmek

w>waste away

vi (physically) → dahinschwinden (geh), → immer weniger werden
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


(weist) verb
to fail to use (something) fully or in the correct or most useful way. You're wasting my time with all these stupid questions.
1. material which is or has been made useless. industrial waste from the factories; (also adjective) waste material.
2. (the) act of wasting. That was a waste of an opportunity.
3. a huge stretch of unused or infertile land, or of water, desert, ice etc. the Arctic wastes.
ˈwastage (-tidʒ) noun
loss by wasting; the amount wasted. Of the total amount, roughly 20% was wastage.
ˈwasteful adjective
involving or causing waste. Throwing away that bread is wasteful.
ˈwastefully adverb
ˈwastefulness noun
waste paper
paper which is thrown away as not being useful. Offices usually have a great deal of waste paper.
wastepaper basket (ˈweispeipə)
a basket or other (small) container for waste paper. Put those old letters in the wastepaper basket.
waste pipe (ˈweispaip)
a pipe to carry off waste material, or water from a sink etc. The kitchen waste pipe is blocked.
waste away
to decay; to lose weight, strength and health etc. He is wasting away because he has a terrible disease.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in classic literature ?
In dying, do they not rather waste away mournfully, rendering unto God, little by little, their existence, as these trees render up shadow after shadow, exhausting their substance unto dissolution?
Send some money straightway to these poor folk, lest the fat one waste away and grow as lean as the lean one, and the lean one waste away to nothing at all, ere they get to Lincoln Town; but send them only ten shillings apiece, lest they grow puffed up with pride, Any more than that that thou sendest, send to me.
can it be, most serene Casildea de Vandalia, that thou wilt suffer this thy captive knight to waste away and perish in ceaseless wanderings and rude and arduous toils?
'If you are sorrowful, let me know why and be sorrowful too; if you waste away and are paler and weaker every day, let me be your nurse and try to comfort you.
Which is why Kiehl's latest endeavor involves a three-part, three-year plan to keep waste away from the oceans, beginning with adopting Anilao in Batangas.
If addiction to illegal drugs causes individuals to waste away, addiction to gambling causes family fortunes to evaporate and businesses to collapse.
As we age our muscles begin to waste away, and by 80 years of age some people have lost almost half of their muscle size.
While locals are criticizing institutions for not coming to clear the waste away, local utilities are criticizing the people throwing their waste there.
As part of its strategy to divert municipal solid waste away from landfills through the introduction of recycling and recovery activities, Oman Environmental Services Holding Company (Be'ah) is planning to develop biogas plants in Oman.
"Our advice is that if you need waste removing from your property, you should always ask to see an operator's waste carrier licence before you pay them to take your waste away."
" Moussawi, during the meeting, confirmed "The importance of Iran's contribution to re-opening the rivers that were feeding Shatt al-Arab water to push the salt tongue and toxic waste away from the areas adjacent to Shatt al-Arab,".

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