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Related to vies: Ares


v. vied, vy·ing (vī′ĭng), vies
To strive for victory or superiority; contend. See Synonyms at rival.
1. Archaic To offer in competition; match.
2. Obsolete To wager or bet.

[Short for Middle English envien, from Old French envier, from Latin invītāre, to invite, give occasion for; see invite.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


slang South African angry, furious, or disgusted
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
`For he alone is king and lord of all the undying gods, and no other vies with him in power.'
Here in the evening the favourite reclined, watching the peonies vie with the sunset beyond.
You know, les petites miseres de la vie humaine," he said, as it were apologizing to the princess.
We vie with one another in the splendor of our accoutrements when trapped for the observance of the lighter duties of life, though when we take the field our leather is the plainest I ever have seen worn by fighting men of Barsoom.
Helene's box was filled and surrounded from the stalls by the most distinguished and intellectual men, who seemed to vie with one another in their wish to let everyone see that they knew her.
sont aimes des l'aube de la vie, et la fraicheur des vielles
I am sure I often wish intensely for liberty to spend a whole month in the country at some little farm-house, bien gentille, bien propre, tout entouree de champs et de bois; quelle vie charmante que la vie champetre!
But we have seen apartments in the tenure of Americans of moderns [possibly "modest" or "moderate"] means, which, in negative merit at least, might vie with any of the or-molu'd cabinets of our friends across the water.
Indeed, he soon discovered that his recruits, enlisted at Montreal, were fit to vie with the ragged regiment of Falstaff.
Full of wonder at so strange a form of madness, they flocked to see it from a distance, and observed with what composure he sometimes paced up and down, or sometimes, leaning on his lance, gazed on his armour without taking his eyes off it for ever so long; and as the night closed in with a light from the moon so brilliant that it might vie with his that lent it, everything the novice knight did was plainly seen by all.
But then, Ruaruga has a house--not so pretty a one, to be sure--but just as commodious as Marheyo's; and, I suppose, if he wished to vie with his neighbour's establishment, he could do so with very little trouble.
"Nous ne devons pas simplement accepter ces tragedies comme inevitables", a declare Vincent Cochetel, envoye special du HCR pour la Mediterranee centrale cite par le communique, precisant que "les sympathies doivent maintenant devenir des actions qui empechent les pertes de vies en mer et les pertes d'espoir qui motivent les gens a risquer leurs vies".