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Related to vermiculture: red wigglers


the cultivation of bloodworms, earthworms, etc., for use as bait or in composting
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree


the use of earthworms in making compost
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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This event will feature hosts Nature's Little Recyclers (the urban Vermiculture pioneers from the Back of the Yards neighborhood) and their “No More Landfills” project, as well as their fellow Seed Chicago project owners.
Clients would work on a vermiculture project, using worms to turn restaurant waste into compost, she said.
Instead, specify a few detailed steps that you can take along that path, such as deciding to set up and use a compost or vermiculture bin, or to switch to fairly traded coffee and not buy imported strawberries out of season, or to leave your car at home three days a week in favor of public transit or your bicycle.
Any name you call it, vermiculture is an important and often overlooked subject on many modern homesteads.
I did my best, initially, to follow the vermiculture creed, feeding my red wigglers measured portions of their favorite kitchen scraps and layering in just the right amount of carefully torn soy-ink newspaper strips for bedding.
vermiculture), drip irrigation, and water harvesting.
Chicago, IL, March 22, 2015 --( After having successfully completed a Seed Chicago Kickstarter fundraising program last fall, urban Vermiculture pioneers Nature's Little Recyclers have again been selected as a candidate for the next round of the City's program for crowdfunding support.
"The funding is allotted for additional facilities, including two hot houses, mechanical siever, warehouse for dried chipped banana, and for their vermiculture production and training," Cristy Coro, the DOLE Davao City livelihood focal person, said.
Jaggers is a maintenance worker at a senior housing facility in town, but he studied horticulture and vermiculture in the 1970s, he said.
Why do we have to grow worms in the basement?!" Reckon I'll print up some vermiculture information from the COUNTRYSIDE forum and leave it out by his rocker--on top of that tub I picked up at the discount store; you know--right next to that bag of shredded newspapers!
"How thoughtful of you," Mudge remarked, pausing on her way to the basement with a bucket of kitchen scraps for our vermiculture box.