
Related to unseparable: inseparable


obsolete not able to be separated
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
According to John Courtney Murray, the champion of religious freedom during the Council, human dignity and personal responsibility in matters pertaining to religion were unseparable, and the State had to defend this right (1967, 128-130).
So the use of technology and new educational tools is considered as the unseparable duty of any teacher.
It is now firmly established that the synthesis of solid chemical compounds by crystallization can result in formation, from the same structural units, of a number of equivalent variants of composition and structure with close energies (actually, this is an unseparable mixture of variable composition).
Since communication is unseparable from the social environment where it takes place, my research has sociolinguistic aspects and societal concerns.
She claims that their only link is in fact the 1947 Song Celebration, after which they figure as an unseparable whole in the speeches of the EC(b)P CC 8th Plenum in March 1950 (Lippus 2008:192, Verbatim records ...
Stents have travelled a long journey in last 15 years starting as bail out process to an unseparable part of PTCA.
From the party's perspective, "socialism and democracy are unseparable; starting from this vision, from the idea that the new society is called upon to ensure the widest rights and democratic freedoms for the working people, their active participation to the governing of the country, of the entire political party, our party acts consistently for continuous perfectioning of the ways and methods of organization and leadership of the entire society, for the deepening of socialist democracy in all the areas of social life" (10).
2, the algorithm was able to find a neural network for classification of three linearly unseparable classes with one mistakenly classified sample of the test data set.
But he said: "Just to say to Mumbai - unending, unseparable, unborn - all of you who helped us make the film and all of you who didn't, thank you so much."
Peaks of eupatin, chrysosplenol-D and the unseparable mixture of casticin and chrysoplenetin were also identified by the comparison of their retention times with those of the isolated compounds.
The project defines the way in which the translator is going to carry out the translation, the "mode" of translation, the "way of translating."] Even though, according to Berman, the project can take various forms, it is nevertheless unseparable from the translated text.