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Related to unsensational: insatiable


not sensational
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.unsensational - not of such character as to arouse intense interest, curiosity, or emotional reactionunsensational - not of such character as to arouse intense interest, curiosity, or emotional reaction
sensational - causing intense interest, curiosity, or emotion
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


adjwenig aufregend or sensationell
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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The second is to normalise it by making mental health care as routine and unsensational as physical or dental healthcare.
Like the director's lens itself, they are the repository of this story--all the way through the startlingly abbreviated Passion sequence (abbreviated because she misses much of it, which allows the film, wisely, not to have to treat a sequence that has been filmically done to death, but instead to keep its focus on her) all the way to a (characteristically unsensational) resurrection appearance outside the empty tomb.
Norman's unsensational Dunkirk opens with irony-laden period news clips (a device adopted throughout in Carl Foreman's antiwar The Victors in 1963).
In clear, unsensational style, Willem Middelkoop and Rembrandt Koppelaar offer a layman's tour of the energy landscape, now and to come.
She mentions she will be in Japan for her play Pacific Paradise--also broadcast by the ABC and commented upon by ASIO (McKnight, 1998)--and that she would include: '[djescription by me, interviews with bomb victims ...' and that it would be '[pjurely human, factual and unsensational in presentation.
Villeneuve, the director or "Sicario" and "Prisoners," has made a grounded, deep-dish authenticity his calling card, and in the early scenes here he hooks us by playing the news of spaceships hovering over Earth in the most low-key, randomly unsensational way possible.
Fowler, author of the Dictionary of Modern English Usage, who wrote that exclamation marks are often used by someone "who wants to add a spurious dash of sensation to something unsensational." And F.
The unsensational truth is that most are no more likely to embrace jihad than Shiraz Maher, or indeed the rest of British youth.
Fuelled by controversies stoked by a willing press, attendance figures for the exhibition initially grew, peaking at 133,000 in 1999--the year of Tracey Emin's shortlisting for My Bed--then dropping to 70,000 the year after, when the prize went to the unsensational Wolfgang Tillmans.
Lloyd is a man not much made in America now, though once there were plenty: men without preconditions or sharp angles the world has to contend with, men who go to work, entertain important, unsensational duties, get home on time, mix a hefty brown drink after six, enjoy the company of the Mrs.
(21) Section 9(b) provided that "goods which communicate in a rational and unsensational manner information about a sexual activity that is not unlawful and in which the illustrations are not prurient in nature are not to be prohibited.
As much as he [Bergson] enjoys the sight of things "penetrating" and "merging," do we enjoy the opposite picture of them standing apart--the wind blowing between them, and the air circulating freely in and out of them: as much as he enjoys the "indistinct," the "qualitative," the misty, sensational and ecstatic, very much more do we value the distinct, the geometric, the universal, non-qualitied--the clear and the light, the unsensational. (443) Like Hulme, Lewis criticized "'religious' consciousness" that "attacks the distinctiveness of that other, supreme Object, God, and soon fuses it with the rest--the tables, the chairs, the garden-hose, the bath-salts, looking-glass and chimney-pots" (405).