

1. obsolete undemonstrated
2. not tried
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We have managed to prove this theory with brand new high-grade Au intercepts from previously unsampled drill core.
No further geographic constraints were required of this sample, and the POs of Cluster 6 that display unstable cost trajectories remain unsampled. When sampled POs were not willing or able to participate in the study, we drew replacements from the pool of unsampled units in the same cluster and, if possible, geographic region.
However, as is the case in most countries, there are no reliable data on pig movements within Mexico, and our phylogeographic methods cannot exclude the possibility of virus movement through unsampled intermediary locations.
The proportion of sampled adults was set at 0.65 for families in CF and 0.90 for families in FF, assuming we had a larger fraction of unsampled parents in the CF.
Indeed, only annual reproduction may be considered because of the inability of researchers to find the resting segment of the population of sand tigers that may be highly localized and unsampled to date (Castro, 2009).
On the other hand, unsampled nests could have contained unique haplotypes that might have been missed.
The fourth step applies this estimated curve to estimate covariances between values in an unsampled location and a number of nearby sampled locations (we choose 20 nearby neighbors).
Therefore, the values of an attribute at unsampled points need to be calculated in order to generate spatially continuous data.
Reactive processes such as the desmoplastic stroma of an unsampled carcinoma, carcinoid tumor or lymphoma, active scar tissue, wall of an organizing hematoma or abscess, ischemic/proliferative fasciitis, and exuberant fibrous adhesions may impart a fasciitis-like morphology with its fascicles of myofibroblasts and loose edematous stroma.
No median vector is observed among the cattle populations studied indicating absence of unsampled or extinct haplotypes.
Spatial interpolation techniques (i.e., kriging) applied to these data were used to estimate the value of vineyard variables at unsampled locations.