
(redirected from unfit for human consumption)
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1. Not meant or adapted for a given purpose; inappropriate: a solvent that is unfit for use on wood surfaces.
2. Below the required standard; unqualified: an unfit parent.
3. Not in good physical or mental health.
4. Biology Unable to survive or produce viable offspring in a particular environment.
tr.v. un·fit·ted, un·fit·ting, un·fits
To cause to be unsuited or unqualified: "Having run for president ... often unfits a man for lesser or more useful subsequent work" (Garry Wills).

un·fit′ly adv.
un·fit′ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (often foll by: for) unqualified, incapable, or incompetent: unfit for military service.
2. (often foll by: for) unsuitable or inappropriate: the ground was unfit for football.
3. in poor physical condition
unˈfitness n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



adj., v. -fit•ted, -fit•ting. adj.
1. not adapted or suited; unsuitable or inappropriate: an office unfit for more than two occupants.
2. incompetent or unqualified: unfit parents.
3. not physically fit or well.
4. Biol. not producing offspring in sufficient numbers to maintain a genetic contribution to succeeding generations.
5. to render unfit or unsuitable; disqualify.
un•fit′ness, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: unfitted
Gerund: unfitting

I unfit
you unfit
he/she/it unfits
we unfit
you unfit
they unfit
I unfitted
you unfitted
he/she/it unfitted
we unfitted
you unfitted
they unfitted
Present Continuous
I am unfitting
you are unfitting
he/she/it is unfitting
we are unfitting
you are unfitting
they are unfitting
Present Perfect
I have unfitted
you have unfitted
he/she/it has unfitted
we have unfitted
you have unfitted
they have unfitted
Past Continuous
I was unfitting
you were unfitting
he/she/it was unfitting
we were unfitting
you were unfitting
they were unfitting
Past Perfect
I had unfitted
you had unfitted
he/she/it had unfitted
we had unfitted
you had unfitted
they had unfitted
I will unfit
you will unfit
he/she/it will unfit
we will unfit
you will unfit
they will unfit
Future Perfect
I will have unfitted
you will have unfitted
he/she/it will have unfitted
we will have unfitted
you will have unfitted
they will have unfitted
Future Continuous
I will be unfitting
you will be unfitting
he/she/it will be unfitting
we will be unfitting
you will be unfitting
they will be unfitting
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been unfitting
you have been unfitting
he/she/it has been unfitting
we have been unfitting
you have been unfitting
they have been unfitting
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been unfitting
you will have been unfitting
he/she/it will have been unfitting
we will have been unfitting
you will have been unfitting
they will have been unfitting
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been unfitting
you had been unfitting
he/she/it had been unfitting
we had been unfitting
you had been unfitting
they had been unfitting
I would unfit
you would unfit
he/she/it would unfit
we would unfit
you would unfit
they would unfit
Past Conditional
I would have unfitted
you would have unfitted
he/she/it would have unfitted
we would have unfitted
you would have unfitted
they would have unfitted
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.unfit - make unfit or unsuitable; "Your income disqualifies you"
alter, change, modify - cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue"
Adj.1.unfit - below the required standards for a purposeunfit - below the required standards for a purpose; "an unfit parent"; "unfit for human consumption"
fit - meeting adequate standards for a purpose; "a fit subject for discussion"; "it is fit and proper that you be there"; "water fit to drink"; "fit for duty"; "do as you see fit to"
2.unfit - not in good physical or mental conditionunfit - not in good physical or mental condition; out of condition; "fat and very unfit"; "certified as unfit for army service"; "drunk and unfit for service"
unhealthy - not in or exhibiting good health in body or mind; "unhealthy ulcers"
unsound - not sound financially; "unsound banking practices"
ill, sick - affected by an impairment of normal physical or mental function; "ill from the monotony of his suffering"
fit - physically and mentally sound or healthy; "felt relaxed and fit after their holiday"; "keeps fit with diet and exercise"
3.unfit - physically unsound or diseasedunfit - physically unsound or diseased; "has a bad back"; "a bad heart"; "bad teeth"; "an unsound limb"; "unsound teeth"
unhealthy - not in or exhibiting good health in body or mind; "unhealthy ulcers"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. out of shape, feeble, unhealthy, debilitated, flabby, decrepit, in poor condition, out of trim, out of kilter Many children are so unfit they are unable to do basic exercises.
out of shape fit, healthy, in good condition, well, strong, sturdy
3. unsuitable, inadequate, inappropriate, useless, not fit, not designed, unsuited, ill-adapted I can show them plenty of houses unfit for human habitation.
unsuitable appropriate, suitable, acceptable, adequate
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. Not suited to a given purpose:
4. Totally incapable of doing a job:
To make incapable, as of doing a job:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
غَيْر صَحّيغَيْرُ صِحِّيّ
ne ve forměneschopnýnezpůsobilý
i dårlig formuegnet
bez kondicije
formán aluli
ófærsem er í lélegu ásigkomulagi
blogos formossuglebęs
nederīgsnepiemērotsnespējīgszaudējis sportisko formu
nie vo forme
i dålig kondition
formsuzidmansızsağlıksızuygun değilyetersiz
không phù hợp


1. (= unsuitable) → no apto (for para) (= incompetent) → incapaz; (= unworthy) → indigno (to de) he was considered an unfit parentse lo consideró un padre inepto or incompetente
he is quite unfit to hold officeno está capacitado en absoluto para ejercer ningún cargo
to be unfit for sth: the road is unfit for lorriesel camino no es apto para el tránsito de camiones
to be unfit for human consumptionno ser apto para el consumo
to be unfit for habitationser inhabitable
complaints that he was unfit for the jobquejas fpl de que no estaba capacitado para el trabajo
to be unfit for publicationno ser apto para la publicación
2. (= not physically fit) → en mala forma (física), bajo de forma; (= ill) → indispuesto
he is very unfitestá en muy mala forma (física), está muy bajo de forma
two of their players are unfitdos de sus jugadores no se encuentran en condiciones de jugar
unfit for military serviceno apto para el servicio militar
she is unfit to driveno está en condiciones de conducir or (LAm) manejar
B. VT (frm) to unfit sb for sth/to do sthinhabilitar or incapacitar a algn para algo/para hacer algo
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˌʌnˈfɪt] adj
(= out of shape) → en mauvaise condition physique
I'm rather unfit at the moment
BUT Je ne suis pas en très bonne condition physique en ce moment.
(= incapable) to be unfit for sth (due to illness, injury)être inapte à qch
to be declared unfit for sth → être déclaré inapte à qch
He was declared unfit for work → Il a été déclaré inapte au travail.
to declare sb unfit for sth → déclarer qn inapte à qch
to be unfit to do sth (due to illness, injury)n'être physiquement pas en mesure de faire qch
His doctor said he was unfit to travel → Son médecin a dit qu'il n'était pas physiquement en mesure de voyager.
(= not good enough) [mother, parent] → inapte
to be unfit to do sth (= not good enough) → être inapte à faire qch
He is unfit to hold an administrative post → Il est inapte à occuper un poste administratif.
unfit for human consumption → impropre à la consommation
unfit for human habitation → impropre à l'habitation
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(= unsuitable) person, thingungeeignet, untauglich; (= incompetent)unfähig; to be unfit to do something (physically) → nicht fähig sein, etw zu tun; (mentally) → außerstande sein, etw zu tun; unfit to drivefahruntüchtig, nicht in der Lage zu fahren; he is unfit to be a lawyer/for teachinger ist als Jurist/Lehrer untauglich; to be unfit for (human) habitation(für Menschen) unbewohnbar sein; this is unfit for publicationdas kann nicht veröffentlicht werden; to be unfit for (human) consumptionnicht zum Verzehr geeignet sein; unfit to eatungenießbar; road unfit for lorriesfür Lastkraftwagen nicht geeignete Straße; unfit to live inunbewohnbar; unfit to plead (Jur) → nicht zurechnungsfähig
(Sport: = injured) → nicht fit; (in health) → schlecht in Form, nicht fit; he is very unfiter ist in sehr schlechter Form; unfit (for military service)(dienst)untauglich; to be unfit for workarbeitsunfähig sein
vt (form) to unfit somebody for somethingjdn für etw untauglich machen; to unfit somebody to do somethingjdn untauglich machen, etw zu tun
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ʌnˈfɪt] adj (unsuitable) unfit forinadatto/a a (Sport) (injured) → non in grado di giocare (or correre); (out of training) → non in forma
unfit for habitation → inabitabile
to be unfit to do sth → non essere in grado di fare qc
unfit for military service → inabile (al servizio militare)
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(anˈfit) adjective
1. not good enough; not in a suitable state. He has been ill and is quite unfit to travel.
2. (of a person, dog, horse etc) not as strong and healthy as is possible. You become unfit if you don't take regular exercise.
unˈfitness noun
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


غَيْرُ صِحِّيّ nezpůsobilý uegnet ungeeignet ακατάλληλος en baja forma, inepto sopimaton inapte bez kondicije inadatto 不向きな 부적당한 in slechte conditie uegnet niedysponowany impróprio неподходящий i dålig kondition ไม่มีคุณสมบัติ sağlıksız không phù hợp 不太健康的
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


a. inepto-a, inhábil, incapaz.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
The municipality also destroyed 10 carcasses of cows and sheep for being unfit for human consumption. The inspection tours also covered various other outlets in different areas of the municipality, including shops selling fish, commercial complexes, groceries and restaurants.
Lourdes Socorro immediately ordered its confiscation for being unfit for human consumption and in violation of the provisions of the Meat Inspection Code of the Philippines.
Karachi -- Directorate General of Transit Trade has seized large number of Indian origin consignments mis-declared as 'White Crystalline Sugar', destined to be consumed in Afghanistan, as the sugar was expired and unfit for human consumption. The value of the seized goods is $5.7 million.
She quoted the state coordinator as saying that the products were found to be unwholesome, dangerously unfit for human consumption.
After confirmation through laboratory tests, the sugar is found to be 'unfit for human consumption. So far 4472 Metric Tons in172 Containers out of 258 Containers have been tested by Laboratories and reported as 'unfit for human consumption', the rest of the 2236 Metric Tons (86 containers) are under investigation.
After confirmation through laboratory tests, the sugar is found to be "unfit for human consumption," said a statement issued by FBR here on Friday.
After confirmation through laboratory tests, the sugar is found to be 'unfit for human consumption," said a statement issued by FBR here on Friday.
In addition, some 435kg of foodstuff was destroyed for being unfit for human consumption. Further, the director of Al Wakrah Municipality issued two administrative decisions to shut down a cafeteria and a restaurant for keeping foodstuff unfit for consumption there.
He added that the municipality cadres were working in the field continuously and during the Eid holiday, calling on owners of restaurants and shops not to offer or market any product expired or unfit for human consumption. //Petra// AF 08/06/2019 21:29:02
Muscat: The North Al Batinah Municipality has destroyed 4610 kg of foodstuff, which arrived at the Sohar port, within five days as it was unfit for human consumption. In a statement, the Municipality said, "The Department of Food Control in the port of Sohar released 161 containers of foodstuff through the port of Sohar with a weight of 11,367,000 kg during the period from May 7 to 11, 2019." "In addition, 4610 kg of foodstuff unfit for human consumption was destroyed," the statement added.
'How would a government that values its people recommend anything unfit for human consumption?' she asked.