References in classic literature ?
But he who dodges hospitals and jails, and walks fast crossing grave-yards, and would rather talk of operas than hell; calls Cowper, Young, Pascal, Rousseau, poor devils all of sick men; and throughout a care-free lifetime swears by Rabelais as passing wise, and therefore jolly; --not that man is fitted to sit down on tomb-stones, and break the green damp mould with unfathomably wondrous Solomon.
It stands up high and spreads far abroad, and is unfathomably deep.
Perhaps his reason had been suddenly unseated by the unnatural captivity he carried with him, but in that wood he felt something unfathomably German--the fairy tale.
Aristide Valentin was unfathomably French; and the French intelligence is intelligence specially and solely.
When publisher Theo (Sam Neill) responds favourably to her overblown manuscript, Lady Urania, Angel rushes to London where, unfathomably, her factually inaccurate book becomes the talk of the capital.
Unfathomably it seemed in the early days calculators were only available at petrol stations when you bought 20 gallons of four-star.
He is a protege of the unfathomably deep Barney Curley as Frankie Dettori was and, like Dettori, has followed the Cumani route.
He was presumably on his way home and yet, unfathomably, going nowhere, and among all of us who were obliged to spend some wasted time outside of Stockholm that morning his inconvenience seemed to be the least justifiable.
He just tells them to put some clothes on because they 'Look like a couple of queers'." SERIES 6: ep 3 "Frank is unfathomably summoned for jury service.
Most notably she attached herself to John Meyer who, unfathomably, is one of only a handful of men apparently considered date-worthy in the whole of Los Angeles (it's a bit like British men playing pass the parcel with Kelly Hoppen).
In fact, the Bassett's package brags about there being no liquorice, while these new sweeties are called unfathomably "dessert allsorts".