

not censured or reprimanded; free from censure or condemnation
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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It was committed in the presence of slaves, and they of course could neither institute a suit, nor testify against him; and thus the guilty perpetrator of one of the bloodiest and most foul murders goes unwhipped of justice, and uncensured by the community in which he lives.
With such encouragement, Catherine hoped at least to pass uncensured through the crowd.
That is why he will probably go uncensured by the FA for this preposterous piece of arrogance.
In his provocative article "The Philosophy of Occupation Therapy" (1922), he observed that "we all know how fancy and abstract thought can go far afield--undisciplined and uncensured and uncorrected; while performance is its own judge and regulator and therefore the most dependable and influential part of life" (p.
For instance, Tanya Habiouqa's "Women of Gaza," 2009, employs a straight documentary style to reveal uncensured moments of leisure and levity for women living under the double siege of the Israeli nation-state and an entrenched patriarchy; Jananne Al-Ani's video Shadow Sites II, 2011, uses aerial photography to survey an Iraqi landscape, the abstraction of which, by means of satellite imagery, had eased its transformation into a merciless theater of operations during both of the Gulf wars; Newsha Tavakolian's "Listen" series, 2010, presents large-format portraits of Iranian singers who are forbidden to perform in public, accompanied by designs for imaginary CD covers and muted videos in which they passionately sing tunes that remain unheard.
"Nonetheless, Jonathan Ross's contribution to this editionof theRussell Brand show was utterly unacceptable and cannot be allowed to go uncensured or without sanction.
Mr Thompson said: "Jonathan Ross's contribution to this edition of the Russell Brand Show was utterly unacceptable and cannot be allowed to go uncensured or without sanction.
Yet, interestingly, he includes the proviso that he is "still providing", and not just providing, but providing "more than enough ", thus claiming the right to remain unchanged and uncensured, as clearly he is more than adequately supporting his child.
to mark if I should sin and let no fault of mine go uncensured ...
Female infanticide "goes largely uncensured, undetected, unpunished and unmourned." According to the Asia Observer, parents are encouraged by unsavory medical practitioners who advertise their abortion services with the claim that 6,000 rupees ($122) paid today to abort a female fetus is cheaper than paying a lot more later for a dowry (Reddy 2002).
It is understood that, while accepting the remarks were made in jest, the committee felt they could not allow the Dunfermline chairman to go uncensured to prevent making 'tongue in cheek' comments becoming a defence for others in the future.
Allowing such contemptuous misuse of language to pass uncensured is perilous indeed.