
Related to tummyache: stomach ache


[ˈtʌmɪˌeɪk] n (fam) → mal m di pancia
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in periodicals archive ?
A few tiny fish, gutted and cooked over a camp fire, plus green apples, sometimes gave us tummyache. Incidentally, after the war I ate my first-ever banana.
Boston could find a reason to put Bard on the disabled list, since the only requirement for being on the DL in the 21st Century is to say you have a tummyache. The Sox could then rehab him in Pawtucket, giving him a chance to hit the reset button, both physically and emotionally.
Who's for a drink?" And for once I can relax because Jesse has her family around - and they actually enjoy playing and shouting Tummyache! with her until their ears bleed.
It's not been to everyone's taste, and Anthony Beyga's portrait of a pumpkin with tummyache will strike a chord with many people.
(Diplomatic tummyache, maybe?) It took him three days to gather an armed guard, and by that time the word had obviously got out.
please, I've got a terrible tummyache" (39)--recall and multiply Oliver's most famous request, uttered twice, to the master in the workhouse during a meal of porridge:
It rattled her brain, It gave her migraine, A backache, sideache, tummyache, too." Children, we believe, would benefit from reading Marsupial Sue.
These days, children can't take home-baked cakes to school for fear they may cause an outbreak of Lassa fever, typhoid or tummyache and the older generation looks fondly back at days when children built their immune system by eating a bit of muck along with their bread and dripping.
Regardless of what is wrong--temperature, headache, tummyache, good old homesickness--cold water can't hurt, and it will often help.
When his hunterly luck is good, he gorges himself with seven or eight possums per day, and never has a tummyache, nor spits up bilious gunk - no sour gas puffing out of him at either pipe outlet.
Mia says it was more of a heart-burning thing - because it wasn't too long before Jason gave her TUMMYACHE.
Rather like the reluctant schoolboy's 8am tummyache, there is often no foolproof diagnostic test for the multiple and diverse maladies that afflict footballers.