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Noun1.trente-et-quarante - a card game in which two rows of cards are dealt and players can bet on the color of the cards or on which row will have a count nearer some numbertrente-et-quarante - a card game in which two rows of cards are dealt and players can bet on the color of the cards or on which row will have a count nearer some number
card game, cards - a game played with playing cards
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References in classic literature ?
There were jaunty young Cambridge-men travelling with their tutor, and going for a reading excursion to Nonnenwerth or Konigswinter; there were Irish gentlemen, with the most dashing whiskers and jewellery, talking about horses incessantly, and prodigiously polite to the young ladies on board, whom, on the contrary, the Cambridge lads and their pale-faced tutor avoided with maiden coyness; there were old Pall Mall loungers bound for Ems and Wiesbaden and a course of waters to clear off the dinners of the season, and a little roulette and trente-et-quarante to keep the excitement going; there was old Methuselah, who had married his young wife, with Captain Papillon of the Guards holding her parasol and guide-books; there was young May who was carrying off his bride on a pleasure tour (Mrs.
Vogal's gaming chapter also contains sections on horse racing, sports book and lotteries, with appendices listing the legal status of dozens of activities from charitable bingo to telephone betting, plus a section covering international gaming exotica such as Pai Go, Fan Tan, Sic Bo, Trente-et-quarante and more.