trade journal

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trade journal

(Commerce) a periodical containing new developments, discussions, etc, concerning a trade or profession
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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They might be appreciated in a trade journal (if only that want could be supplied), by skilled manipulators of the jemmy and the large light bunch; but, as records of unbroken yet insignificant success, they would be found at once too trivial and too technical, if not sordid and unprofitable into the bargain.
He discovered a bread-and-butter field in the agricultural weeklies and trade journals, though among the religious weeklies he found he could easily starve.
Darren Littler, innovations director of the Lancashire baker, told trade journal The Grocer, it would be launching "the biggest campaign we've ever had".
It gives me great pleasure to introduce myself and Bell Publishing as the new owners of Tea & Coffee Trade Journal.
The volume of Bulgariaas exports of bicycles increased by more than a fifth between 2013 and 2014 to almost 819,000 units, maintaining an upward trend, Bike Europe trade journal reported on Monday.
The cover is on the right, it is a trade journal, not a religious journal.
Goldman Sachs was ranked by London-based trade journal, AsiaHedge, as the region's largest prime broker, with an estimated 179 mandates and USD24.6bn in assets as of April 2013.
So British Airways !i?d the fightbnck wlih a campaign offering seven- nigh l room-only hotel breaks In Barbados from L529 per person, "fhe offer expired on March 29, but good value deals focus on off-peak months later in the year, Trade Journal Travel Trade Gazette sttys: "The harsh : .iMir'..
Trade journal The Grocer has reported one percent rise in toy sales to 2.3billion pounds last year, the Daily Express reported.
Lambert, Edwards & Associates (LE&A) has been named Firm of the Year in the small agency category by PR News, a leading PR and IR trade journal. The PR NewsPlatinum PR Awards recognize the year's most outstanding communications initiatives, programs and organizations.