toad frog

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Noun1.toad frog - any of various tailless stout-bodied amphibians with long hind limbs for leapingtoad frog - any of various tailless stout-bodied amphibians with long hind limbs for leaping; semiaquatic and terrestrial species
amphibian - cold-blooded vertebrate typically living on land but breeding in water; aquatic larvae undergo metamorphosis into adult form
ranid, true frog - insectivorous usually semiaquatic web-footed amphibian with smooth moist skin and long hind legs
leptodactylid, leptodactylid frog - toothed frogs: terrestrial or aquatic or arboreal
robber frog - small terrestrial frog of tropical America
barking frog, Hylactophryne augusti, robber frog - of southwest United States and Mexico; call is like a dog's bark
crapaud, Leptodactylus pentadactylus, South American bullfrog - large toothed frog of South America and Central America resembling the bullfrog
tree frog, tree-frog - any of various Old World arboreal frogs distinguished from true frogs by adhesive suckers on the toes
Ascaphus trui, bell toad, ribbed toad, tailed frog, tailed toad - western North American frog with a taillike copulatory organ
Liopelma hamiltoni - primitive New Zealand frog with four unwebbed toes on forefeet and five on hind feet
true toad - tailless amphibian similar to a frog but more terrestrial and having drier warty skin
Alytes obstetricans, obstetrical toad, midwife toad - European toad whose male carries the fertilized eggs wrapped around its hind legs until they hatch
Alytes cisternasi, midwife toad - similar in habit to Alytes obstetricians
Bombina bombina, fire-bellied toad - toad of central and eastern Europe having red or orange patches mixed with black on its underside
spadefoot, spadefoot toad - a burrowing toad of the northern hemisphere with a horny spade-like projection on each hind foot
tree frog, tree toad, tree-frog - arboreal amphibians usually having adhesive disks at the tip of each toe; of southeast Asia and Australia and America
Gastrophryne olivacea, western narrow-mouthed toad - small secretive toad with smooth tough skin of central and western North America
eastern narrow-mouthed toad, Gastrophryne carolinensis - small toad of southeastern United States
sheep frog - mostly of Central America
tongueless frog - almost completely aquatic frog native to Africa and Panama and northern South America
South American poison toad - a South American toad
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