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Having or showing a capacity for persistent effort; not tiring or relenting: a tireless advocate; tireless efforts.
tire′less·ly adv.
tire′less·ness n.
Synonyms: tireless, indefatigable, unflagging, untiring, unwearied, weariless
These adjectives mean having or showing a capacity for persistent or prolonged effort: a tireless worker; an indefatigable advocate of human rights; unflagging pursuit of excellence; untiring energy; an unwearied researcher; a weariless defender of freedom of the press.
These adjectives mean having or showing a capacity for persistent or prolonged effort: a tireless worker; an indefatigable advocate of human rights; unflagging pursuit of excellence; untiring energy; an unwearied researcher; a weariless defender of freedom of the press.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Adv. | 1. | tirelessly - with indefatigable energy; "she watched the show indefatigably" |
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(ˈtaiə) verb to make, or become, physically or mentally in want of rest, because of lack of strength, patience, interest etc; to weary. Walking tired her; She tires easily.
tired adjective1. wearied; exhausted. She was too tired to continue; a tired child.
2. (with of) no longer interested in; bored with. I'm tired of (answering) stupid questions!
ˈtiredness nounˈtireless adjective
never becoming weary or exhausted; never resting. a tireless worker; tireless energy/enthusiasm.
ˈtirelessly adverbˈtirelessness noun
ˈtiresome adjective
troublesome; annoying.
ˈtiresomely adverbˈtiresomeness noun
ˈtiring adjective
causing (physical) tiredness. I've had a tiring day; The journey was very tiring.
tire out to tire or exhaust completely. The hard work tired her out.
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