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in a thudding manner
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The technical contributions are as slick and shallow as any random "Transformers" entry, and the obnoxious soundtrack especially grates as it veers between cacophonous explosions, shrill line deliveries, and thuddingly predictable song selections, from Edwin Starr's "War" to Wreckx-n-Effect's "Rump Shaker."
The screenplay, co-written by Nicholas Thomas and director Luke Greenfield, fails to mine the potentially humorous premise for the necessary laughs, with nearly all of the gags falling thuddingly flat.
As Katie waited on a train platform, Trudi's thuddingly dull husband Richard was rushing to meet her and drove straight under the wheels of a passing lorry.
At CIA, there were big gigs from Keane, Judas Priest and The Killers, while Glasvegas proved a thuddingly dull bill-topper on The NME Tour at Cardiff University.
As you can tell, the conversation is polite and pleasant, if a little dull, but whenever it threatens to fall into the abyss of the thuddingly bland, Izzy's big eyes can be relied upon to burst out of their lids with enthusiasm.
Both Neil and John William are inert and remote, and the rich man/poor man ironies that Guterson tries to strike are freshman-comp stuff, about as thuddingly subtle as Neil's surname." KEVIN ALLMAN
There was, naturally, the usual pile of tosh and turkeys, ranging from those that, like The Da Vinci Code, fell thuddingly flat from the heights of hype to the woefully misfiring such as A Good Year, Breaking And Entering and the stultifyingly dull The New World.
gay." Though such references may seem thuddingly obvious today, in
Even if the result is a thuddingly conclusive failure, there is still the exercise of passion, the attempt at greatness and the lurch for victory.