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fit 1
(fĭt)v. fit·ted or fit, fit·ted, fit·ting, fits
a. To be the proper size and shape for: These shoes fit me.
b. To cause to be the proper size and shape: The tailor fitted the trousers by shortening them.
c. To measure for proper size: She fitted me for a new jacket.
2. To be appropriate to; suit: music that fits your mood.
3. To be in conformity or agreement with: observations that fit the theory nicely.
4. To make suitable; adapt: fitted the shelves for large books. See Synonyms at adapt.
5. To make ready; prepare: Specialized training fitted her for the job.
6. To equip; outfit: fit out a ship.
7. To provide a place or time for: You can't fit any more toys in the box. The doctor can fit you in today.
8. To insert or adjust so as to be properly in place: fit a handle on a door.
1. To be the proper size and shape.
2. To be suited; belong: doesn't fit in with these people.
3. To be in harmony; agree: His good mood fit in with the joyful occasion.
adj. fit·ter, fit·test
1. Suited, adapted, or acceptable for a given circumstance or purpose: not a fit time for flippancy.
2. Appropriate; proper: Do as you see fit.
3. Physically sound; healthy: keeps fit with diet and exercise.
4. Biology Able to survive and produce viable offspring in a particular environment
Idioms: 1. The state, quality, or way of being fitted: the proper fit of means to ends.
2. The manner in which clothing fits: a jacket with a tight fit.
3. The degree of precision with which surfaces are adjusted or adapted to each other in a machine or collection of parts.
fit to be tied
Roused to great anger or indignation; outraged.
fit to kill Slang
To an extreme or elaborate degree: dressed up fit to kill.
[Middle English fitten, to be suitable, marshal troops.]
fit′ly adv.
fit′ter n.
fit 2
Idiom: 1. Medicine
a. A seizure or convulsion, especially one caused by epilepsy.
b. A sudden physical outburst: a fit of coughing; a fit of laughter.
c. A sudden, involuntary physical reaction: a fit of shivering; a fit of cramps.
d. A sudden, involuntary mental experience: a fit of amnesia; a fit of déjà vu.
2. A sudden outburst of emotion: a fit of jealousy.
3. A sudden period of vigorous activity.
by (or in) fits and starts
With irregular intervals of action and inaction; intermittently.
[Middle English, hardship, probably from Old English fitt, struggle.]
fit 3
(fĭt)n. Archaic
A section of a poem or ballad.
[Middle English, from Old English.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
(fɪt)vb, fits, fitting or fitted, fit
1. to be appropriate or suitable for (a situation, etc)
2. to be of the correct size or shape for (a connection, container, etc)
3. (tr) to adjust in order to render appropriate: they had to fit the idea to their philosophy.
4. (tr) to supply with that which is needed
5. (Clothing & Fashion) (tr) to try clothes on (someone) in order to make adjustments if necessary
6. (tr) to make competent or ready: the experience helped to fit him for the task.
7. (tr) to locate with care
8. (intr) to correspond with the facts or circumstances
adj, fitter or fittest
9. suitable to a purpose or design; appropriate
10. having the right qualifications; qualifying
11. in good health
12. worthy or deserving: a book fit to be read.
13. (foll by an infinitive) in such an extreme condition that a specified consequence is likely: she was fit to scream; you look fit to drop.
14. chiefly informal Brit (of a person) sexually attractive
15. the manner in which something fits
16. the act or process of fitting
17. (Statistics) statistics the correspondence between observed and predicted characteristics of a distribution or model. See goodness of fit
[C14: probably from Middle Dutch vitten; related to Old Norse fitja to knit]
ˈfittable adj
1. (Pathology) pathol a sudden attack or convulsion, such as an epileptic seizure
2. a sudden spell of emotion: a fit of anger.
3. an impulsive period of activity or lack of activity; mood: a fit of laziness.
4. give a person a fit to surprise a person in an outrageous manner
5. have a fit throw a fit informal to become very angry or excited
6. in fits and starts by fits and starts in spasmodic spells; irregularly
vb, fits, fitting or fitted
(Pathology) (intr) informal to have a sudden attack or convulsion, such as an epileptic seizure
[Old English fitt conflict; see fit3]
(Music, other) archaic a story or song or a section of a story or song
[Old English fitt; related to Old Norse fit hem, Old High German fizza yarn]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(fɪt)adj. fit•ter, fit•test, adj.
1. adapted or suited; appropriate: This water isn't fit for drinking.
2. proper or becoming: fit behavior.
3. prepared or ready.
4. in good physical condition; in good health.
5. Biol. being adapted to the prevailing conditions and producing offspring that survive to reproductive age.
v.t. 6. to be adapted to or suitable for (a purpose, object, occasion, etc.).
7. to be proper or becoming for.
8. to be of the right size or shape for.
9. to make conform; adjust.
10. to make qualified or competent.
11. to prepare; make ready.
12. to put with precise placement or adjustment.
13. to provide; furnish; equip: The car is fitted with radial tires.
v.i. 14. to be suitable or proper.
15. to be of the right size or shape, as a garment for the wearer.
16. fit out or up, to furnish with requisite supplies; equip.
n. 17. the manner in which a thing fits: The fit was perfect.
18. something that fits: The coat is a poor fit.
19. the process of fitting.
Idioms: fit to be tied, extremely annoyed or angry.
[1325–75; Middle English; akin to Middle Dutch vitten to befit]
fit′ly, adv.
fit′ta•ble, adj.
fit′ter, n.
usage: Both fit and fitted are standard as past tense and past participle of fit: The new door fit (or fitted) the old frame perfectly. The suit had fitted (or fit) well last year. fitted is somewhat more common than fit in the sense “to adjust, make conform”: The tailor fitted the suit with a minimum of fuss. In the passive voice, fitted is the more common past participle: The door was fitted with a new handle.
1. a sudden acute attack or manifestation of a disease, esp. one marked by convulsions or unconsciousness: a fit of epilepsy.
2. an onset or period of emotion, inclination, activity, etc.: a fit of weeping.
Idioms: 1. by or in fits and starts, at irregular intervals; intermittently.
2. throw a fit, to become extremely excited or angry.
[before 1000; Middle English; Old English fitt round of fighting. See fit3]
(fɪt)n. Archaic.
a division of a song, ballad, or story.
[before 900; Middle English; Old English fitt round of singing, canto]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
suit1. 'fit'
If clothes fit you, they are the right size, neither too big nor too small.
That dress fits you perfectly.
He was wearing pyjamas which did not fit him.
In British English, the past tense form of fit is fitted. In American English, the past tense form is fit.
The boots fitted him snugly.
The pants fit him well and were very comfortable.
2. 'suit'
If clothes make you look attractive, don't say that they 'fit' you. You say that they suit you.
You look great in that dress, it really suits you.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
Past participle: fitted
Gerund: fitting
Imperative |
fit |
fit |
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
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Noun | 1. | fit - a display of bad temper; "he had a fit"; "she threw a tantrum"; "he made a scene" bad temper, ill temper - a persisting angry mood |
2. | fit - a sudden uncontrollable attack; "a paroxysm of giggling"; "a fit of coughing"; "convulsions of laughter" attack - a sudden occurrence of an uncontrollable condition; "an attack of diarrhea" | |
3. | fit - the manner in which something fits; "I admired the fit of her coat" fashion, manner, mode, style, way - how something is done or how it happens; "her dignified manner"; "his rapid manner of talking"; "their nomadic mode of existence"; "in the characteristic New York style"; "a lonely way of life"; "in an abrasive fashion" hang - the way a garment hangs; "he adjusted the hang of his coat" | |
4. | fit - a sudden flurry of activity (often for no obvious reason); "a burst of applause"; "a fit of housecleaning" activity - any specific behavior; "they avoided all recreational activity" fits and starts - repeated bursts of activity; "they worked in fits and starts" | |
Verb | 1. | fit - be agreeable or acceptable to; "This suits my needs" conform to, fit, meet - satisfy a condition or restriction; "Does this paper meet the requirements for the degree?" |
2. | fit - be the right size or shape; fit correctly or as desired; "This piece won't fit into the puzzle" tessellate - fit together exactly, of identical shapes; "triangles tessellate" joint - fit as if by joints; "The boards fit neatly" blend in, blend, go - blend or harmonize; "This flavor will blend with those in your dish"; "This sofa won't go with the chairs" fit - conform to some shape or size; "How does this shirt fit?" | |
3. | fit - satisfy a condition or restriction; "Does this paper meet the requirements for the degree?" coordinate - be co-ordinated; "These activities coordinate well" correspond, gibe, jibe, match, tally, agree, fit, check - be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics; "The two stories don't agree in many details"; "The handwriting checks with the signature on the check"; "The suspect's fingerprints don't match those on the gun" fill the bill, fit the bill - be what is needed or be good enough for what is required; "Does this restaurant fit the bill for the celebration?" | |
4. | fit - make fit; "fit a dress"; "He fitted other pieces of paper to his cut-out" dovetail - fit together tightly, as if by means of a dovetail | |
5. | fit - insert or adjust several objects or people; "Can you fit the toy into the box?"; "This man can't fit himself into our work environment" adapt, accommodate - make fit for, or change to suit a new purpose; "Adapt our native cuisine to the available food resources of the new country" | |
6. | fit - be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics; "The two stories don't agree in many details"; "The handwriting checks with the signature on the check"; "The suspect's fingerprints don't match those on the gun" consist - be consistent in form, tenor, or character; be congruous; "Desires are to be satisfied only so far as consists with an approved end" look - accord in appearance with; "You don't look your age!" answer - match or correspond; "The drawing of the suspect answers to the description the victim gave" coincide - be the same; "our views on this matter coincided" align - be or come into adjustment with correlate - to bear a reciprocal or mutual relation; "Do these facts correlate?" parallel - be parallel to; "Their roles are paralleled by ours" twin, duplicate, parallel - duplicate or match; "The polished surface twinned his face and chest in reverse" square - be compatible with; "one idea squares with another" bear out, underpin, corroborate, support - support with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm; "The stories and claims were born out by the evidence" resemble - appear like; be similar or bear a likeness to; "She resembles her mother very much"; "This paper resembles my own work" conform to, fit, meet - satisfy a condition or restriction; "Does this paper meet the requirements for the degree?" homologize - be homologous; "A person's arms homologize with a quadruped's forelimbs" accord, concord, fit in, harmonise, harmonize, consort, agree - go together; "The colors don't harmonize"; "Their ideas concorded" pattern - form a pattern; "These sentences pattern like the ones we studied before" adhere - be compatible or in accordance with; "You must adhere to the rules" | |
7. | fit - conform to some shape or size; "How does this shirt fit?" be - have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); "John is rich"; "This is not a good answer" | |
8. | fit - provide with (something) usually for a specific purpose; "The expedition was equipped with proper clothing, food, and other necessities" mechanise, mechanize, motorise, motorize - equip with armed and armored motor vehicles; "mechanize armies" fuse - equip with a fuse; provide with a fuse collar - furnish with a collar; "collar the dog" spur - equip with spurs; "spur horses" fin - equip (a car) with fins motorize - equip with a motor; "motorized scooters are now the rage" motorize - equip with a motor vehicle; "The police around here are not motorized and patrol the streets on horseback" furnish, provide, supply, render - give something useful or necessary to; "We provided the room with an electrical heater" stock - equip with a stock; "stock a rifle" horseshoe - equip (a horse) with a horseshoe or horseshoes turn out - outfit or equip, as with accessories; "The actors were turned out lavishly" instrument - equip with instruments for measuring, recording, or controlling muzzle - fit with a muzzle; "muzzle the dog to prevent it from biting strangers" appoint - furnish; "a beautifully appointed house" refit - fit out again wire - provide with electrical circuits; "wire the addition to the house" shaft - equip with a shaft spar - furnish with spars stave - furnish with staves; "stave a ladder" commission - put into commission; equip for service; of ships | |
9. | fit - make correspond or harmonize; "Match my sweater" adjust, correct, set - alter or regulate so as to achieve accuracy or conform to a standard; "Adjust the clock, please"; "correct the alignment of the front wheels" match - be equal or harmonize; "The two pieces match" balance, equilibrise, equilibrize, equilibrate - bring into balance or equilibrium; "She has to balance work and her domestic duties"; "balance the two weights" | |
Adj. | 1. | fit - meeting adequate standards for a purpose; "a fit subject for discussion"; "it is fit and proper that you be there"; "water fit to drink"; "fit for duty"; "do as you see fit to" appropriate - suitable for a particular person or place or condition etc; "a book not appropriate for children"; "a funeral conducted the appropriate solemnity"; "it seems that an apology is appropriate" unfit - below the required standards for a purpose; "an unfit parent"; "unfit for human consumption" |
2. | fit - (usually followed by `to' or `for') on the point of or strongly disposed; "in no fit state to continue"; "fit to drop"; "laughing fit to burst"; "she was fit to scream"; "primed for a fight"; "we are set to go at any time" ready - completely prepared or in condition for immediate action or use or progress; "get ready"; "she is ready to resign"; "the bridge is ready to collapse"; "I am ready to work"; "ready for action"; "ready for use"; "the soup will be ready in a minute"; "ready to learn to read" | |
3. | fit - physically and mentally sound or healthy; "felt relaxed and fit after their holiday"; "keeps fit with diet and exercise" healthy - having or indicating good health in body or mind; free from infirmity or disease; "a rosy healthy baby"; "staying fit and healthy" sound - financially secure and safe; "sound investments"; "a sound economy" well - in good health especially after having suffered illness or injury; "appears to be entirely well"; "the wound is nearly well"; "a well man"; "I think I'm well; at least I feel well" unfit - not in good physical or mental condition; out of condition; "fat and very unfit"; "certified as unfit for army service"; "drunk and unfit for service" |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. be the right size (for), be the right shape for Always buy clothes that fit you properly.
2. adapt, fashion, shape, arrange, alter, tailor, adjust, modify, tweak (informal), customize She was having her wedding dress fitted.
5. suit, meet, match, belong to, agree with, go with, conform to, correspond to, accord with, be appropriate to, concur with, tally with, dovetail with, be consonant with Her daughter doesn't fit the current feminine ideal.
1. appropriate, qualified, suitable, competent, right, becoming, meet (archaic), seemly, trained, able, prepared, fitting, fitted, ready, skilled, correct, deserving, capable, adapted, proper, equipped, good enough, adequate, worthy, convenient, apt, well-suited, expedient, apposite You're not fit to be a mother!
appropriate inadequate, inappropriate, unfit, unsuitable, improper, unprepared, amiss, unseemly, untimely, ill-fitted, ill-suited
appropriate inadequate, inappropriate, unfit, unsuitable, improper, unprepared, amiss, unseemly, untimely, ill-fitted, ill-suited
2. healthy, strong, robust, sturdy, well, trim, strapping, hale, in good shape, in good condition, in good health, toned up, as right as rain, in good trim, able-bodied It will take a very fit person to beat me.
healthy unfit, unhealthy, flabby, out of shape, in poor condition, out of trim
healthy unfit, unhealthy, flabby, out of shape, in poor condition, out of trim
fit something or someone in find time for, accommodate, squeeze in I just can't fit in regular domestic work. I'll see if I can fit you in some time this afternoon.
fit something or someone out or up equip, outfit, deck out, kit out, provide, supply, furnish We helped to fit him out for his trip.
have a fit go mad, explode, blow up (informal), lose it (informal), see red (informal), lose the plot (informal), throw a tantrum, fly off the handle (informal), go spare (Brit. slang), blow your top (informal), fly into a temper, flip your lid (slang), do your nut (Brit. slang) He'd have a fit if he knew what we were up to!
in or by fits and starts spasmodically, sporadically, erratically, fitfully, on and off, irregularly, intermittently, off and on, unsystematically Military technology advances by fits and starts.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
fit 1
verb1. To cause to be ready, as for use, consumption, or a special purpose:
2. To supply what is needed for some activity or purpose:
4. To be compatible or in correspondence:
accord, agree, check, chime, comport with, conform, consist, correspond, harmonize, match, square, tally.
Informal: jibe.
Archaic: quadrate.
5. To make or become suitable to a particular situation or use:
6. To conform to another, especially in size and shape:
fit out or up
1. Suitable for a particular person, condition, occasion, or place:
appropriate, apt, becoming, befitting, correct, felicitous, fitting, happy, meet, proper, right, tailor-made.
2. Suited to one's end or purpose:
4. Consistent with prevailing or accepted standards or circumstances:
fit 2
noun2. A sudden violent expression, as of emotion:
3. An angry outburst:
Informal: conniption, conniption fit.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
vhodnýpadnoutpasovatpřesně padnoucí věcsedět
passepasser godtpasvormsætteanbringe
eiga viî, vera viîeigandiheill heilsu, frískurkastòaî aî passa eîa vera mátulegurpassa
apgādātatbilstošsbūt laikābūt piemērotam/atbilstošamlabi piegulēt
prilegati seprimerenpristajatiustrezatizdrav
Anfallpassai god formläcker
phù hợpsự vừa vặnvừa
1 [fɪt] ADJ (fitter (compar) (fittest (superl)))1. (= suitable) → adecuado
he is not fit company for my daughter → no es compañía adecuada para mi hija
fit for sth fit for human consumption/habitation → comestible/habitable
he's not fit for the job → no sirve para el puesto, no es apto para el puesto
a meal fit for a king → una comida digna de reyes
fit for nothing → inútil
to be fit to do sth he's not fit to teach → no sirve para profesor
you're not fit to be seen → no estás presentable, no estás para que te vea la gente
the meat was not fit to eat or to be eaten (= unhealthy) → la carne no estaba en buenas condiciones; (= bad-tasting) → la carne era incomible, la carne no se podía comer
you're not fit to drive → no estás en condiciones de conducir
he is not fit company for my daughter → no es compañía adecuada para mi hija
fit for sth fit for human consumption/habitation → comestible/habitable
he's not fit for the job → no sirve para el puesto, no es apto para el puesto
a meal fit for a king → una comida digna de reyes
fit for nothing → inútil
to be fit to do sth he's not fit to teach → no sirve para profesor
you're not fit to be seen → no estás presentable, no estás para que te vea la gente
the meat was not fit to eat or to be eaten (= unhealthy) → la carne no estaba en buenas condiciones; (= bad-tasting) → la carne era incomible, la carne no se podía comer
you're not fit to drive → no estás en condiciones de conducir
2. (= healthy) (Med) → sano (Sport) → en forma
to be fit for duty (Mil) → ser apto para el servicio
to be fit for work (after illness) → estar en condiciones de trabajar
to get fit (Med) → reponerse (Sport) → ponerse en forma
to keep fit → mantenerse en forma
to pass sb fit (after illness, injury) → dar a algn el alta
she's not yet fit to travel → todavía no está en condiciones de viajar
to be (as) fit as a fiddle → estar rebosante de salud
to be fit for duty (Mil) → ser apto para el servicio
to be fit for work (after illness) → estar en condiciones de trabajar
to get fit (Med) → reponerse (Sport) → ponerse en forma
to keep fit → mantenerse en forma
to pass sb fit (after illness, injury) → dar a algn el alta
she's not yet fit to travel → todavía no está en condiciones de viajar
to be (as) fit as a fiddle → estar rebosante de salud
3. (= ready) I'm fit to drop → estoy que me caigo
he was laughing fit to bust or burst → se tronchaba or desternillaba de risa
he was laughing fit to bust or burst → se tronchaba or desternillaba de risa
4. (= right)
to see/think fit to do sth you must do as you think fit → debes hacer lo que estimes conveniente or lo que creas apropiado
she didn't see fit to mention it → no creyó apropiado mencionarlo
to see/think fit to do sth you must do as you think fit → debes hacer lo que estimes conveniente or lo que creas apropiado
she didn't see fit to mention it → no creyó apropiado mencionarlo
2 [fɪt]A. VT
1. (= be right size) [clothes] → quedar bien a; [key] → entrar en, encajar en
it fits me like a glove → me queda como un guante
he can't find shirts to fit him → no encuentra camisas que le queden or vengan bien
the key doesn't fit the lock → la llave no entra or encaja en la cerradura
it fits me like a glove → me queda como un guante
he can't find shirts to fit him → no encuentra camisas que le queden or vengan bien
the key doesn't fit the lock → la llave no entra or encaja en la cerradura
2. (= measure) → tomar las medidas a
I went to get fitted for a suit → fui a que me tomaran las medidas para un traje
to fit a dress (on sb) → probar un vestido (a algn)
I went to get fitted for a suit → fui a que me tomaran las medidas para un traje
to fit a dress (on sb) → probar un vestido (a algn)
3. (= match) [+ facts] → corresponderse con; [+ description] → encajar con; [+ need] → adecuarse a
your story doesn't fit the facts → tu historia no se corresponde con los hechos
she doesn't fit the feminine stereotype → no encaja con el estereotipo femenino
the punishment should fit the crime → el castigo debe adecuarse al delito
see also bill A6
your story doesn't fit the facts → tu historia no se corresponde con los hechos
she doesn't fit the feminine stereotype → no encaja con el estereotipo femenino
the punishment should fit the crime → el castigo debe adecuarse al delito
see also bill A6
4. (= put) he fitted the shelf to the wall → fijó el estante a la pared
to fit sth into place → hacer encajar algo
I finally began to fit the pieces together (fig) → finalmente empecé a encajar todas las piezas
to fit sth into place → hacer encajar algo
I finally began to fit the pieces together (fig) → finalmente empecé a encajar todas las piezas
5. (= install) [+ windows] → instalar, poner; [+ carpet] → poner; [+ kitchen, bathroom, domestic appliance] → instalar
they're having a new kitchen fitted → les van a instalar una cocina nueva
they're having a new kitchen fitted → les van a instalar una cocina nueva
6. (= supply) → equipar de
to be fitted with sth → estar equipado con algo
a car fitted with a catalytic converter → un coche equipado con un conversor catalítico
all our coaches are fitted with seat belts → todos nuestros autobuses están equipados con cinturones de seguridad
he has been fitted with a new hearing aid → le han puesto un audífono nuevo
to be fitted with sth → estar equipado con algo
a car fitted with a catalytic converter → un coche equipado con un conversor catalítico
all our coaches are fitted with seat belts → todos nuestros autobuses están equipados con cinturones de seguridad
he has been fitted with a new hearing aid → le han puesto un audífono nuevo
7. (frm) (= make suitable) to fit sb for sth/to do sth → capacitar a algn para algo/para hacer algo
her experience fits her for the job → su experiencia la capacita para el trabajo
her experience fits her for the job → su experiencia la capacita para el trabajo
2. (= go in/on) this key doesn't fit → esta llave no encaja or entra
will the cupboard fit into the corner? → ¿cabrá el armario en el rincón?
it fits in/on here → se encaja aquí
the lid won't fit on this saucepan → la tapa no encaja en esta cazuela
will the cupboard fit into the corner? → ¿cabrá el armario en el rincón?
it fits in/on here → se encaja aquí
the lid won't fit on this saucepan → la tapa no encaja en esta cazuela
3. (= match) [facts, description] → concordar, corresponderse
it doesn't fit with what he said to me → no concuerda or no se corresponde con lo que me dijo a mí
it all fits now! → ¡todo encaja ahora!
see also fit in A1
it doesn't fit with what he said to me → no concuerda or no se corresponde con lo que me dijo a mí
it all fits now! → ¡todo encaja ahora!
see also fit in A1
C. N the lycra in the fabric ensures a good fit → la licra de la tela hace que se ajuste perfectamente
that suit is not a very good fit → ese traje no te queda bien
when it comes to shoes, a good fit is essential → en lo que se refiere a los zapatos, es esencial que se ajusten bien or que sean el número correcto
it was a perfect fit → le quedaba perfectamente
it's rather a tight fit → me está un poco justo or apretado
she put the key into the lock - it was a tight fit → metió la llave en la cerradura - entraba muy justo
that suit is not a very good fit → ese traje no te queda bien
when it comes to shoes, a good fit is essential → en lo que se refiere a los zapatos, es esencial que se ajusten bien or que sean el número correcto
it was a perfect fit → le quedaba perfectamente
it's rather a tight fit → me está un poco justo or apretado
she put the key into the lock - it was a tight fit → metió la llave en la cerradura - entraba muy justo
fit in
1. (= correspond) [fact, statement] → concordar, cuadrar (with con) that fits in with what he told me → eso concuerda or cuadra or se corresponde con lo que me dijo él
2. (= adapt) to fit in with sb's plans → amoldarse or adaptarse a los planes de algn
I'll fit in with whatever dates you've agreed on → me amoldaré or me adaptaré a las fechas que hayáis acordado
she was trying to arrange her work to fit in with her home life → intentaba organizar el trabajo de forma que se adaptara a su vida doméstica
I'll fit in with whatever dates you've agreed on → me amoldaré or me adaptaré a las fechas que hayáis acordado
she was trying to arrange her work to fit in with her home life → intentaba organizar el trabajo de forma que se adaptara a su vida doméstica
3. (= belong) [person] he left because he didn't fit in → se marchó porque no congeniaba con los demás or no encajaba
she was great with the children and fitted in beautifully → con los niños era genial, y se adaptó perfectamente
she was great with the children and fitted in beautifully → con los niños era genial, y se adaptó perfectamente
1. (= make room for) can you fit another book/passenger in? → ¿te cabe otro libro/pasajero más?
you could fit an illustration in here → aquí podrías poner una ilustración, aquí tienes sitio para poner una ilustración
you could fit an illustration in here → aquí podrías poner una ilustración, aquí tienes sitio para poner una ilustración
2. (= make time for) I could fit you in next Friday → podría hacerte un hueco el próximo viernes
I fitted in a trip to Ávila → logré incluir una excursión a Ávila
we could fit in a round of golf before lunch → nos da tiempo a hacer un recorrido de golf antes de comer
we rushed around trying to fit everything in → corrimos como locos intentando abarcarlo todo
I fitted in a trip to Ávila → logré incluir una excursión a Ávila
we could fit in a round of golf before lunch → nos da tiempo a hacer un recorrido de golf antes de comer
we rushed around trying to fit everything in → corrimos como locos intentando abarcarlo todo
fit out VT + ADV [+ ship, expedition] → equipar; [+ warship] → armar
to fit sb out with sth → proveer a algn de algo, equipar a algn con algo
we need to get you fitted out with a new wardrobe → tenemos que equiparte con un nuevo vestuario
the tailor will fit you out with a new suit for the wedding → el sastre te hará un traje nuevo para la boda
to fit sb out with sth → proveer a algn de algo, equipar a algn con algo
we need to get you fitted out with a new wardrobe → tenemos que equiparte con un nuevo vestuario
the tailor will fit you out with a new suit for the wedding → el sastre te hará un traje nuevo para la boda
fit up VT + ADV
1. (= install) → instalar
2. (Brit) (= equip, supply) → equipar
to fit sth/sb up with sth → proveer algo/a algn de algo, equipar algo/a algn con algo
to fit sth/sb up with sth → proveer algo/a algn de algo, equipar algo/a algn con algo
3 [fɪt] N1. (Med) → ataque m
epileptic fit → ataque m epiléptico
fainting fit → desmayo m
she had a fit last night → anoche tuvo un ataque
epileptic fit → ataque m epiléptico
fainting fit → desmayo m
she had a fit last night → anoche tuvo un ataque
2. (= outburst)
a fit of anger → un arranque or un arrebato or (frm) un acceso de cólera
a fit of coughing → un ataque or (frm) un acceso de tos
a fit of enthusiasm → un arranque de entusiasmo
I had a fit of (the) giggles → me dio un ataque de risa
to have a fit → ponerse histérico
he'd have a fit if he knew → le daría un síncope si se enterara, se pondría histérico si se enterara
to be in fits → partirse de risa
she was so funny, she used to have us all in fits → era tan graciosa, que nos tenía a todos muertos de risa
she had a laughing fit → le dio un ataque de risa
she was in fits of laughter → se partía de risa
he shot her in a fit of jealous rage → disparó sobre ella en un arranque or arrebato de celos y furia
by or in fits and starts → a tropezones, a trompicones
to throw a fit → ponerse histérico
she'll throw a fit if she finds out → le dará un síncope si se entera, se pondrá histérica si se entera
a fit of weeping → una llorera
see also pique
a fit of anger → un arranque or un arrebato or (frm) un acceso de cólera
a fit of coughing → un ataque or (frm) un acceso de tos
a fit of enthusiasm → un arranque de entusiasmo
I had a fit of (the) giggles → me dio un ataque de risa
to have a fit → ponerse histérico
he'd have a fit if he knew → le daría un síncope si se enterara, se pondría histérico si se enterara
to be in fits → partirse de risa
she was so funny, she used to have us all in fits → era tan graciosa, que nos tenía a todos muertos de risa
she had a laughing fit → le dio un ataque de risa
she was in fits of laughter → se partía de risa
he shot her in a fit of jealous rage → disparó sobre ella en un arranque or arrebato de celos y furia
by or in fits and starts → a tropezones, a trompicones
to throw a fit → ponerse histérico
she'll throw a fit if she finds out → le dará un síncope si se entera, se pondrá histérica si se entera
a fit of weeping → una llorera
see also pique
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
[ˈfɪt] adj
(= healthy) → en (bonne) forme
He felt relaxed and fit after his holiday → Il se sentait détendu et en forme après ses vacances.
to keep fit → se maintenir en forme
He felt relaxed and fit after his holiday → Il se sentait détendu et en forme après ses vacances.
to keep fit → se maintenir en forme
(= proper) [person] → convenable
fit to drive → en état de conduire
not to be fit to do sth (= lack the requisite qualities) → être incapable de faire qch
You're not fit to be a mother! → Tu es incapable d'être une mère!
He is not fit to be allowed out of the house on his own
BUT Il est inapte à sortir seul de chez lui.
fit to drive → en état de conduire
not to be fit to do sth (= lack the requisite qualities) → être incapable de faire qch
You're not fit to be a mother! → Tu es incapable d'être une mère!
He is not fit to be allowed out of the house on his own
BUT Il est inapte à sortir seul de chez lui.
(= ready) to be fit to do sth → être prêt(e) à faire qch
to be fit to drop (= ready to collapse) → tomber de fatigue
to be fit to drop (= ready to collapse) → tomber de fatigue
(= all right) fit to eat → mangeable
The meat is fit to eat → La viande est mangeable.
to be fit for habitation [house] → être habitable
The meat is fit to eat → La viande est mangeable.
to be fit for habitation [house] → être habitable
(= good enough) fit for → digne de
Our railways are not fit for the 21st century → Nos chemins de fer ne sont pas dignes du XXIe siècle.
Our railways are not fit for the 21st century → Nos chemins de fer ne sont pas dignes du XXIe siècle.
to see fit to do sth (= choose to) → juger bon de faire qch
as one sees fit
They can spend the money as they see fit → Ils peuvent dépenser l'argent comme ils jugent bon de le faire., Ils peuvent dépenser l'argent comme bon leur semble.
as one sees fit
They can spend the money as they see fit → Ils peuvent dépenser l'argent comme ils jugent bon de le faire., Ils peuvent dépenser l'argent comme bon leur semble.
(= attractive) [person] → canon f inv
[clothes] [+ person] → aller à
to not fit sb (= be too big) → être trop grand(e) pour qn
These trousers don't fit me → Ce pantalon est trop grand pour moi. (= be too small) → être trop petit(e) pour qn
These trousers don't fit me → Ce pantalon est trop petit pour moi.
to not fit sb (= be too big) → être trop grand(e) pour qn
These trousers don't fit me → Ce pantalon est trop grand pour moi. (= be too small) → être trop petit(e) pour qn
These trousers don't fit me → Ce pantalon est trop petit pour moi.
(= match) [+ lifestyle, theory] → correspondre à; [+ needs] → répondre à
the punishment should fit the crime → le châtiment doit être proportionné au crime
the punishment should fit the crime → le châtiment doit être proportionné au crime
(= apply to) [+ case, person] → correspondre à
(= adjust) [+ garment] → ajuster
[clothes] → être à la bonne taille; [cover] → s'adapter
Does it fit? → Est-ce que c'est la bonne taille?
These shoes don't fit properly → Ces chaussures ne sont pas à la bonne taille.
to fit perfectly → aller parfaitement
Does it fit? → Est-ce que c'est la bonne taille?
These shoes don't fit properly → Ces chaussures ne sont pas à la bonne taille.
to fit perfectly → aller parfaitement
[parts] → s'adapter
(= seizure) → crise f
to have a fit (= seizure) → faire une crise; (epileptic) → faire une crise d'épilepsie (= be furious) → piquer une crise
My Mum will have a fit when she sees the carpet! → Ma mère va piquer une crise quand elle va voir la moquette!
to have a fit (= seizure) → faire une crise; (epileptic) → faire une crise d'épilepsie (= be furious) → piquer une crise
My Mum will have a fit when she sees the carpet! → Ma mère va piquer une crise quand elle va voir la moquette!
(= attack) a fit of coughing → une quinte de toux
a fit of laughter → une crise de rire
a fit of anger → un accès de colère
a fit of giggles, a fit of the giggles → un fou rire
a fit of hysterics → une crise de nerfs
a fit of laughter → une crise de rire
a fit of anger → un accès de colère
a fit of giggles, a fit of the giggles → un fou rire
a fit of hysterics → une crise de nerfs
by fits and starts, in fits and starts → par à-coups
[garment] to be a good fit → être à la bonne taille
fit in
[member of group] → s'adapter
She fitted in well at her new school → Elle s'est bien adaptée à sa nouvelle école.
to fit in with sb's plans → s'adapter en fonction des plans de qn
She fitted in well at her new school → Elle s'est bien adaptée à sa nouvelle école.
to fit in with sb's plans → s'adapter en fonction des plans de qn
(= be accommodated)
The chapel was so small that only 26 people could fit in → La chapelle était tellement petite qu'elle ne pouvait contenir que 26 personnes.
The chapel was so small that only 26 people could fit in → La chapelle était tellement petite qu'elle ne pouvait contenir que 26 personnes.
(= match) to fit in with sth [+ fact, story] → cadrer avec qch
That story doesn't fit in with what he told us → Cette histoire ne cadre pas avec ce qu'il nous a dit.
That story doesn't fit in with what he told us → Cette histoire ne cadre pas avec ce qu'il nous a dit.
(= harmonize) [style, feature] → s'accorder
to fit in with sth → cadrer avec qch
Does it fit in with your existing room scheme? → Est-ce que cela cadre avec le plan de la pièce?
to fit in with sth → cadrer avec qch
Does it fit in with your existing room scheme? → Est-ce que cela cadre avec le plan de la pièce?
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
1adj (+er)
(= suitable, suited for sth) → geeignet; time, occasion → günstig; fit to eat → essbar; fit to drink → trinkbar; is this meat still fit to eat? → kann man dieses Fleisch noch essen?; fit for (human) consumption → zum Verzehr (durch Menschen) geeignet; fit for habitation or to live in → bewohnbar; to be fit to be seen → sich sehen lassen können; she’s not fit to be a mother → sie ist als Mutter völlig ungeeignet; this coat is fit for the dustbin (Brit) or trash can (US) → dieser Mantel gehört in den Mülleimer
(= deserving) a man like that is not fit to have such a good wife → ein Mann wie er verdient so eine gute Frau nicht or ist eine so gute Frau nicht wert; you’re not fit to be spoken to → du bist es nicht wert or verdienst es nicht, dass man sich mit dir unterhält
(= right and proper) → richtig, angebracht; I’ll do as I think or see fit → ich handle, wie ich es für richtig halte; to see fit to do something → es für richtig or angebracht halten, etw zu tun; he did not see fit to cooperate → er hat es nicht für nötig gehalten zu kooperieren; as is only fit → wie es sich gebührt; it is only fit → es ist nur recht und billig
(in health) → gesund; sportsman etc → fit, in Form; she is not yet fit to travel → sie ist noch nicht reisefähig; only the fittest survive → nur die Geeignetsten überleben; (people) → nur die Gesunden überleben; (in business etc) → nur die Starken können sich halten
to laugh fit to burst → vor Lachen beinahe platzen; to be fit to drop (Brit) → zum Umfallen müde sein
(Brit sl: = sexy) girl, boy → scharf (inf)
n (of clothes) → Passform f; it is a very good/bad fit → es sitzt or passt wie angegossen/nicht gut; it’s a bit of a tight fit (clothes) → es ist etwas eng; (timing, parking) → es geht gerade (noch)
(cover, sheet, nut etc) → passen auf (+acc); (key etc) → passen in (+acc); (clothes etc) → passen (+dat); this coat fits you better → dieser Mantel passt Ihnen besser or sitzt bei Ihnen besser; “one size fits all” → „Einheitsgröße“; that part won’t fit this machine → das Teil passt nicht für diese Maschine; the washing machine won’t fit this space → die Waschmaschine passt nicht in diese Lücke; to make a ring fit somebody → jdm einen Ring anpassen
she was fitted for her wedding dress → ihr Hochzeitskleid wurde ihr angepasst
(= put on, attach) → anbringen (→ to an +dat); tyre, lock → montieren, anbringen; double glazing → einsetzen, anbringen; (= put in) → einbauen (→ in in +acc); (= furnish, provide with) → ausstatten; to fit a key in the lock → einen Schlüssel ins Schloss stecken; to fit a bulb in its socket → eine Glühbirne in die Fassung drehen or schrauben; to fit a bolt to a door → eine Tür mit einem Riegel versehen; to fit a car with an alarm → eine Alarmanlage in ein Auto einbauen, ein Auto mit einer Alarmanlage ausstatten; to have a new kitchen fitted → eine neue Küche einbauen lassen
(= match) description, facts, circumstances → entsprechen (+dat); to make the punishment fit the crime → eine dem Vergehen angemessene Strafe verhängen
2n (Med, fig) → Anfall m; fit of coughing/anger → Husten-/Wutanfall m; in a fit of anger → in einem Anfall von Wut; fit of remorse → Anwandlung f → or Anfall m → von Reue; in or by fits and starts → stoßweise; he wrote this novel in fits and starts → er hat diesen Roman in mehreren Anläufen geschrieben; to be in fits (of laughter) → sich vor Lachen biegen or kugeln (inf); he’d have a fit (fig inf) → er würde (ja) einen Anfall kriegen (inf)
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
1 [fɪt]1. adj (-ter (comp) (-test (superl)))
a. (suitable) → adatto/a; (proper) → appropriato/a, conveniente
fit for → adatto/a a
to be fit for sth → andare bene per qc
to be fit for nothing → non essere buono/a a niente
a meal fit for a king → un pranzo da re
he's not fit for the job → non è la persona adatta per questo lavoro
fit for habitation → abitabile
he is not fit company for my daughter → non è la compagnia adatta per mia figlia
he's not fit to teach → non è adatto all'insegnamento
he's not fit to drive → non è in condizione di guidare
you're not fit to be seen → non sei presentabile
it's not fit to eat or to be eaten → non è mangiabile or commestibile
I'm fit to drop (fam) → sto per crollare
do as you think or see fit → fai come meglio credi
fit for → adatto/a a
to be fit for sth → andare bene per qc
to be fit for nothing → non essere buono/a a niente
a meal fit for a king → un pranzo da re
he's not fit for the job → non è la persona adatta per questo lavoro
fit for habitation → abitabile
he is not fit company for my daughter → non è la compagnia adatta per mia figlia
he's not fit to teach → non è adatto all'insegnamento
he's not fit to drive → non è in condizione di guidare
you're not fit to be seen → non sei presentabile
it's not fit to eat or to be eaten → non è mangiabile or commestibile
I'm fit to drop (fam) → sto per crollare
do as you think or see fit → fai come meglio credi
b. (in health) → in forma (Sport) → in buone condizioni fisiche, in forma
to keep fit → tenersi in forma
to be fit for work (after illness) → essere in grado di riprendere il lavoro
to be (as) fit as a fiddle → essere sano/a come un pesce
to keep fit → tenersi in forma
to be fit for work (after illness) → essere in grado di riprendere il lavoro
to be (as) fit as a fiddle → essere sano/a come un pesce
2. n to be a good fit (shoes) → calzare bene; (clothes) → andare or stare bene
it's a rather tight fit → mi sta un po' stretto
it's a rather tight fit → mi sta un po' stretto
3. vt
a. (subj, clothes) → andare/stare bene a; (key) → adattarsi a
it fits you well → ti sta bene
it fits me like a glove → mi sta a pennello
it fits you well → ti sta bene
it fits me like a glove → mi sta a pennello
b. (match, facts) → concordare con; (000, description) → corrispondere a
the punishment should fit the crime → la punizione dovrebbe essere adeguata al reato
the punishment should fit the crime → la punizione dovrebbe essere adeguata al reato
c. (put in place) → mettere, fissare
to fit a key in the lock → mettere una chiave nella serratura
to have a carpet fitted → far mettere la moquette
to fit sth into place → sistemare qc
to fit sth on sth → mettere qc a or su qc
to fit a key in the lock → mettere una chiave nella serratura
to have a carpet fitted → far mettere la moquette
to fit sth into place → sistemare qc
to fit sth on sth → mettere qc a or su qc
d. (equip) → fornire, dotare, equipaggiare
a car fitted with a radio → una macchina fornita di radio
she has been fitted with a new hearing aid → le hanno messo un nuovo apparecchio acustico
a car fitted with a radio → una macchina fornita di radio
she has been fitted with a new hearing aid → le hanno messo un nuovo apparecchio acustico
e. (make fit) → rendere adatto/a; (adjust) → aggiustare
to fit a dress (on sb) → provare un vestito (a qn)
her experience fits her for the job → la sua esperienza la rende adatta a questo lavoro
to fit a dress (on sb) → provare un vestito (a qn)
her experience fits her for the job → la sua esperienza la rende adatta a questo lavoro
4. vi
fit in
1. vi + adv (person) → adattarsi
to fit in (with) (fact, statement) → corrispondere (con), concordare (con)
to fit in with sb's plans → adattarsi ai progetti di qn
he left because he didn't fit in → se ne è andato perché non riusciva ad integrarsi
to fit in (with) (fact, statement) → corrispondere (con), concordare (con)
to fit in with sb's plans → adattarsi ai progetti di qn
he left because he didn't fit in → se ne è andato perché non riusciva ad integrarsi
2. vt + adv (object) → far entrare (fig) (appointment, visitor) → trovare il tempo per; (plan, activity) to fit in (with) → conciliare (con)
fit out vt + adv (Brit) (ship) → allestire, equipaggiare; (person) → fornire, equipaggiare
fit up vt + adv
a. (provide) to fit sb up with sth → fornire qc a qn
b. (arrange, room) → attrezzare
c. (fam) (incriminate) → incastrare
2 [fɪt] na. (Med) → attacco
to have or suffer a fit → avere un attacco di convulsioni
fit of coughing → attacco di tosse
to have or suffer a fit → avere un attacco di convulsioni
fit of coughing → attacco di tosse
b. (outburst) → accesso
fit of anger/enthusiasm → accesso d'ira/d'entusiasmo
to have a fit of crying → scoppiare in un pianto dirotto
to get a fit of the giggles → avere un attacco di ridarella
to have or throw a fit (fam) → andare su tutte le furie
to be in fits (of laughter) → scoppiare dalle risa
by or in fits and starts → a sbalzi
fit of anger/enthusiasm → accesso d'ira/d'entusiasmo
to have a fit of crying → scoppiare in un pianto dirotto
to get a fit of the giggles → avere un attacco di ridarella
to have or throw a fit (fam) → andare su tutte le furie
to be in fits (of laughter) → scoppiare dalle risa
by or in fits and starts → a sbalzi
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(fit) adjective1. in good health. I am feeling very fit.
2. suitable; correct for a particular purpose or person. a dinner fit for a king.
noun the right size or shape for a particular person, purpose etc. Your dress is a very good fit.
verb – past tense, past participle ˈfitted -.
1. to be the right size or shape (for someone or something). The coat fits (you) very well.
2. to be suitable for. Her speech fitted the occasion.
3. to put (something) in position. You must fit a new lock on the door.
4. to supply with; to equip with. She fitted the cupboard with shelves.
fitness nounPhysical fitness is essential for this kind of job.
ˈfitter noun a person who puts the parts of a machine together.
ˈfitting adjective suitable. a fitting occasion.
noun1. something, eg a piece of furniture, which is fixed, especially in a house etc. kitchen fittings.
2. the trying-on of a dress etc and altering to make it fit. I am having a fitting for my wedding-dress tomorrow.
fit in (often with with) to be able to live, exist etc in agreement or harmony. She doesn't fit in with the other children.
fit out to provide with everything necessary (clothes, equipment etc). The shop fitted them out with everything they needed for their journey.
see/think fit to consider that some action is right, suitable etc. You must do as you see fit (to do).
(fit) noun1. a sudden attack of illness, especially epilepsy. She suffers from fits.
2. something which happens as suddenly as this. a fit of laughter/coughing.
by fits and starts irregularly; often stopping and starting again. He did his work by fits and starts.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ صَالِح, مِقْياس, يُناسِبُ pasovat, střih, vhodný egnet, passe, passer godt Anfall, gesund, passen κατάλληλος, ταιριάζω, ταίριασμα adecuado, ajuste, apto, encajar, quedar bien sopia, sopiva, sopivuus adapté, convenir, être à la bonne taille podesan, pristajanje, pristajati adatto, misura, stare bene 発作, 適した, 適する 맞다, 알맞은, 어울림 geschikt, passen, passend anfall, egnet, passe (for) dopasowywanie, dostosować, odpowiedni convulsão, em boa forma, encaixamento, servir быть впору, подходящий, пригонка anfall, i god form, passa เหมาะ, ความพอดี, พอดี uydurmak, uygun, uyma phù hợp, sự vừa vặn, vừa 合适, 合适的, 适合Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
n. ataque súbito; convulsión;
vi. [glasses] ajustar, encajar, montar;
a. [suitable] adecuado-a:
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
adj (comp fitter; super fittest) en forma, en buen estado físico; n (attack) ataque m, acceso, (outburst) arranque m, arrebato; — of rage arranque or arrebato de ira; vt, vi (pret & pp fitted; ger fitting) (shoes, clothing) quedar (bien); (glasses, etc.) ajustar; You need shoes that fit (you) better..Ud. necesita zapatos que le queden mejor.English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.