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1. The aggregate characteristics of the environment in which a food or wine is produced, including regional and local climate, soil, and topography.
2. The flavor imparted to a food or wine by such characteristics.

[French, cultivated land, terroir, from Old French, terreoir, from Vulgar Latin *terratōrium, alteration (influenced by Latin terra, land) of Latin territōrium, territory; see territory.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Brewing) winemaking the combination of factors, including soil, climate, and environment, that gives a wine its distinctive character
[literally: soil]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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* The word terroir was not used much in relation to wine until the 1980s.
Aussi, comme le soulignera le wali de Tizi Ouzou, Brahim Merrad, [beaucoup moins que] cette manifestation est un encouragement des initiatives a l'effet d'ameliorer et diversifier les produits agricoles du terroir, ainsi que les differents elevages qui assureront au pays une certaine independance alimentaire [beaucoup plus grand que].
Comme les annees precedentes, ce salon s'articulera sur 9 poles, notamment le pole region,institutionnels et sponsors, international, produits, agrofournitures, nature et vie, elevage, machinisme et produits du terroir. En prelude au salon, se tiendront egalement le 23 avril, les 7emes assises de l'agriculture organisees par le ministere de l'agriculture et des peches maritimes.
With the renewal of the Chinese tea industry beginning in the 1990s, the most famous Wulong terroir teas are again highly appraised in the home market and have also come back to the West.
The big variation in microclimates, soil and terroir means there is considerable range of styles.
Recemment, en ouverture du salon des productions du terroir et de l'artisanat a Taroudant, un imposant cortege conduit par le Wali de la region Souss Massa et le President regional, ainsi que le Gouverneur de la Province des murailles ocres, a procede a l'inauguration de la 3eme manche du festival de l'ail.
"I would say, once again, it is the duty of the state to support every effort to further strengthen the wine sector and the local character developed by the wines of Cyprus in recent years on the basis of our country's terroir. A terroir with historic vineyards, free from phylloxera, with unique native varieties, and with Commandaria as the flagship of Cypriot wine production," he said.
We consumers can, without spending a mountain of moola, use Argentina as our personal laboratory to explore the nuances of terroir and understand how two wines made from the same grape can taste subtly but distinctly different because they were grown on different soils, at different altitudes, just a few miles apart.
That's terroir, not terror, a French word derived from 'terre' (earth), and is used mainly to refer to the qualities of certain plant crops, especially grapes, that are believed to be tied to where they are grown: the type of soil (including other forms of life growing in the soil), climate inputs such as rain and sun, even the slope or terrain.
Terroir becomes even more ridiculous construct when we discuss other regions in Europe besides France.