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Past participle: synthesised
Gerund: synthesising

I synthesise
you synthesise
he/she/it synthesises
we synthesise
you synthesise
they synthesise
I synthesised
you synthesised
he/she/it synthesised
we synthesised
you synthesised
they synthesised
Present Continuous
I am synthesising
you are synthesising
he/she/it is synthesising
we are synthesising
you are synthesising
they are synthesising
Present Perfect
I have synthesised
you have synthesised
he/she/it has synthesised
we have synthesised
you have synthesised
they have synthesised
Past Continuous
I was synthesising
you were synthesising
he/she/it was synthesising
we were synthesising
you were synthesising
they were synthesising
Past Perfect
I had synthesised
you had synthesised
he/she/it had synthesised
we had synthesised
you had synthesised
they had synthesised
I will synthesise
you will synthesise
he/she/it will synthesise
we will synthesise
you will synthesise
they will synthesise
Future Perfect
I will have synthesised
you will have synthesised
he/she/it will have synthesised
we will have synthesised
you will have synthesised
they will have synthesised
Future Continuous
I will be synthesising
you will be synthesising
he/she/it will be synthesising
we will be synthesising
you will be synthesising
they will be synthesising
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been synthesising
you have been synthesising
he/she/it has been synthesising
we have been synthesising
you have been synthesising
they have been synthesising
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been synthesising
you will have been synthesising
he/she/it will have been synthesising
we will have been synthesising
you will have been synthesising
they will have been synthesising
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been synthesising
you had been synthesising
he/she/it had been synthesising
we had been synthesising
you had been synthesising
they had been synthesising
I would synthesise
you would synthesise
he/she/it would synthesise
we would synthesise
you would synthesise
they would synthesise
Past Conditional
I would have synthesised
you would have synthesised
he/she/it would have synthesised
we would have synthesised
you would have synthesised
they would have synthesised
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.synthesise - combine so as to form a more complex, product; "his operas synthesize music and drama in perfect harmony"; "The liver synthesizes vitamins"
combine, compound - put or add together; "combine resources"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
يُنْتِجُ مادَّةً بالتَّوْليف
mynda efni meî samruna/skiptiefnahvörfum


(ˈsinθəsis) plural ˈsyntheses (-siːz) noun
(something produced through) the process of combining separate parts, eg chemical elements or substances, into a whole. Plastic is produced by synthesis; His recent book is a synthesis of several of his earlier ideas.
ˈsynthesize, ˈsynthesise verb
to make (eg a drug) by synthesis. Some hormones can be synthesized.
synthetic (sinˈθetik) noun, adjective
(a substance) produced artificially by a chemical process. nylon and other synthetic materials / synthetics.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in periodicals archive ?
Washington, Apr 18 (ANI): More than a decade after discovering kapakahines- marine-derived natural products with anti-leukaemia potential-scientists have found the first technique to synthesise them in laboratory in large quantities, by using only acetylene gas, a handful of amino acids, and a dozen inventive steps.