

appearing pleasant to stroke
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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From cuddly coats to strokable scarves, here's how to fluff up your look without channelling the Honey Monster...
Strokable cushions and sensory boxes with sights, sounds and smells of Speke Hall were some of the interesting learning tools on offer.
No digitizer pen here: just a strokable Windows 7 interface on a multitouch, 10.1in, 1366x768 display.
And as we're turning our minds to things rather more sexy and strokable than base rates, where better place to start than lingerie?
Spa style: Luxe and lavish I itOs full of strokable fabrics and gorgeous mosaic tiles.
After all, it purrs, it's strokable, and although it doesn't quite fit on your lap, it does allow you to sit in the lap of luxury.
Well, if the cat's playing hard to get, you'll have to settle down with a strokable article of the inanimate variety...
The universe was heading inevitably for a golden paradise of haylofts, mermaids, and strokable wolves.
The Aquilla Sequinned Throw and matching cushion shimmer with sequins on one side, and soft, strokable velvet on the other - adding a touch of sophisticated glamour to your bedroom or living room.
A new waxwork of the Hollywood star has gone on display at Madame Tussauds in central London and the open-shirted model of the movie hunk features a strokable chest.
Fluffy cushions, strokable suede and soft shades of lilac all add up to serious sex appeal with a smart edge.