strategic vulnerability

strategic vulnerability

The susceptibility of vital instruments of national power to being seriously decreased or adversely changed by the application of actions within the capability of another nation to impose. Strategic vulnerability may pertain to political, geographic, economic, informational, scientific, sociological, or military factors.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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The arsenal of weapons is wide, and the strategic vulnerability of certain enemies to certain guns ensures you mix up the gunplay.
Likewise, for China, the trade war has exposed the strategic vulnerability created by overdependence on US markets and technologies.
The lack of viable domestic sources for the elements creates a significant strategic vulnerability.
While China's drive for electric vehicles could help minimize this strategic vulnerability, it could open new challenges.
With foreign competitors controlling a vast majority of the REE market, along with the limited supply of these elements, it has become a major concern across the DoD and has created a critical strategic vulnerability. The DoD has shifted its focus back to production of salable REE's for military weapons systems and manufacturing processes to address these material shortfalls.
Its strategic vulnerability, and the domestic strains placed on it as a result of hosting the huge Syrian refugee population, mean that it cannot afford to take risks and lose the support of key players in the region.
The strategic vulnerability that Uganda and Rwanda felt in 2008 must recur whenever another Kenyan election comes by--as will happen in 2017.
As New Zealand is very much the product of the successful application of British seapower, it is interesting to reflect on how geographic distance and a connected world of seaborne trade has also strategic vulnerability embedded within it.
He reiterated that strengthening Pak-Afghan relation is inevitable and shall be done through strategic vulnerability assessment studies.
The three major categories in the theoretical framework are managing supply chain strategic vulnerability, utilizing sustainability knowledge, and evaluating strategic choices (Figure 1).
To that strategic vulnerability should be added the extremely inefficient way money is used on defense in Europe.
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