
Also found in: Medical, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.


The medical study of the mouth and its diseases.

sto′ma·to·log′i·cal (-tə-lŏj′ĭ-kəl), sto′ma·to·log′ic (-lŏj′ĭk) adj.
sto′ma·tol′o·gist n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Medicine) the branch of medicine or dentistry concerned with the structures, functions, and diseases of the mouth
2. (Dentistry) the branch of medicine or dentistry concerned with the structures, functions, and diseases of the mouth
stomatological adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


the branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the mouth. — stomatologist, n. — stomatologic, stomatological, adj.
See also: Medical Specialties
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


The branch of medicine that deals with the mouth and its diseases and disorders.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
References in periodicals archive ?
Hospital of Stomatology, Sichuan University, Hospital of Stomatology, PKU, Hospital of Stomatology, and Wuhan University are some of the leading specialist dental hospitals in China that carried out various dental implants procedures in 2015.
in a stomatology hospital in China, the PDCA cycle has been used, and close observation has been made, the number of disinfectants has been increased, public meetings have been organized, and the compliance rate has been increased from 60% to 90%.22 In our hospital, a plan was made with the quality department to increase the hand hygiene compliance rate, and the PDCA cycle has been used in this work.
Zhou Xia of Beijing University, Department of Stomatology have especially travelled to Islamabad to join the camp during which a number of affected patients mostly children were treated at Islamabad International hospital and research center.
Aquacity offers not only flawless relaxation and beautiful views of the Tatras but also INTERKLINIK - a health and beauty clinic with a professional team of specialists and high-standard services in the field of plastic surgery, aesthetic dermatology, stomatology, gynaecology, urology, vascular surgery and ORL.
Chinese surgeons, Dr Ma Lian and Dr Zhou Xia of Beijing University's Department of Stomatology especially travelled to Islamabad to join the medical camp set up at Islamabad International Hospital and Research Centre.
Stomatology is the branch of medicine concerned with which part of the human 6.
Gynecology and stomatology specialists provided additional topical therapies.
The 56 regional non-core events in Russia, which are being disposed of, include VacuumTech Expo, Stomatology St Petersburg, UMIDS Krasnodar and Jewellery Salon Krasnodar.
This study was approved by the Local Research Ethics Committee of Stomatology of China Medical University in Shenyang, China.