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*AITO is The Specialist Travel sociation: more than 120 travel mpanies providing a collection of liday ideas covering the world.
The summit also featured a panel discussion on 'Building A More Sustainable Nation - Opportunities & Challenges' involving the top names from the industry including Khalid Al Yahmadi, CEO of Muscat National Development and Investment Compa- ny (ASAAS); Hassan Mohamed Juma Al-Lawati, MD, Atlantic Construction and Chairman, Oman Real Estate As- sociation; Fawzi Al-Harrassy, execu- tive director, Teejan Group and vice chairman, Oman Society of Contrac- tors; Khalid Al Mahrooqi, founder & MD, Premier Projects and vice chair- man, Oman Green Building Council; Per Morten Aarvold, general man- ager, Jotun Oman; Nadia Maqbool, founding partner, 23DegreesNorth;
sociation has planned to host a mega conference on March 9, 2019, focusing leading people responsible for procurement of services and goods in top companies and industries in Pakistan, Engr.
The as- sociation will also hold a legal conference on franchise next month in collaboration with an international arbitration firm.
Three broad themes that arise in the book include the telephonic remapping of space, insight into how the mobile phone becomes a resource that enters into various reciprocal interactions, and how it becomes a conduit that facilitates mediated sociation.
Mensah, executive secretary at the Ghana As- sociation of Bankers (GAB).
Caption: 1 Staniszewski of the National Home Delivery Association sociation recommends retailers invest in reliable software delivery platforms.
A joint agreement by the Iranian Cement Producers As- sociation in October to stop discounted sales has finally paid off.
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