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v. smurfed, smurf·ing, smurfs
To disable (a computer network) with a smurf attack.
1. To engage in a smurf attack.
2. Slang To buy as much pseudoephedrine as is legally permitted in each of numerous stores over a wide area in order to obtain enough to produce methamphetamine.

[Sense 1, after the smurf exploit program used to make smurf attacks in the late 1990s. Both senses ultimately after the Smurfs, a race of very small blue gnomelike creatures in comic strips by Belgian comic strip artist Pierre Culliford, later featured in a popular television series.]

smurf′er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Communications & Information) computing the activity of using a specially designed computer program to attack a computer network by flooding it with messages, thereby rendering it inoperable
2. (Computer Science) computing the activity of using a specially designed computer program to attack a computer network by flooding it with messages, thereby rendering it inoperable
3. (Banking & Finance) the activity of laundering money by conducting a large number of small transactions through banks and bureaux de change
[C20: (sense 1) from smurf, the name of the type of computer program used to carry out such attacks]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
1.44 (480m): Ni Hao, Tophall Tony, Smurfing Master, Set Your Sights, Private Present, Target Ian.
Structuring of Money (also known as smurfing) is the process where large amounts of money is divided into multiple small transactions, often spread out over many different accounts, to avoid detection; and the use of currency exchanges, wire transfers and 'mules' or cash smugglers to move money across borders.
The UN specified techniques to circumvent anti-money laundering legislation targets: (a) Smurfing, that is breaking down a large volume of cash in amounts less than the threshold of the particular country's reporting requirements, thereby avoiding the requirement to justify the transaction.
At trial, several witnesses testified that they'd engaged in a practice known as "smurfing," purchasing pseudoephedrine to give to Mealor and another defendant, Cynthia Greenfield, in an effort to conceal the size of their purchases.
class="MsoNormalInvestigations by Autrac had revealed that a group of customers of the bank had been involved in widespread smurfing the money laundering technique that involves using multiple people to make small deposits in ATMS across a network in order to circumvent existing suspicious reporting systems.
Ryan McDowell and his associates delivered piles of drugs cash stuffed into suitcases and bin bags to other criminals - who used a technique known as 'cuckoo smurfing' to make it disappear.
Specifically, the JIT Report, under a section titled 'Modus Operendi - Three Classical Stages of Money Laundering', describes how payment in these fake accounts were 'placed' after a process of 'smurfing' (where the laundered money is split into smaller amounts, before being deposited).
It goes something like this (in no particular order): the government (all levels), very low interest rates, foreign buyers, municipal zoning, greedy developers, greedy banks, Alberta migration, currency "smurfing", condo-king marketers, rapacious realtors, trust loopholes, speculators, entitled baby boomers, wealth inheritance, view cones, and stunningly beautiful mountains.
In some instances, innocent-appearing collaborators are used to make multiple cash deposits in financial institutions or money services businesses under the $10,000 legally reportable threshold (known as smurfing).
By spreading the risk factor across several locations, a criminal can use a method known as smurfing, a strategy that involves a low value but high volume of transactions in an attempt to avoid scrutiny (Chatain et al., 2011).
Philip Astbury, prosecuting, described one of the more complex methods involved as 'cuckoo smurfing' - especially useful for paying fellow criminals overseas,
(110) Like their recently implemented restrictions imposed on DoTA 2, in order to prevent DoTA 2 players from using multiple bot accounts for what is referred to as "smurfing," similar restrictions could be placed on CS: GO players to prevent the free and unregulated transfer of skins.