
(redirected from skirrs)
Related to skirrs: skirts


1. (intr; usually foll by off, away, etc) to move, run, or fly rapidly
2. (tr) archaic or literary to move rapidly over (an area, etc), esp in order to find or apprehend
a whirring or grating sound, as of the wings of birds in flight
[C16: variant of scour2]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



1. to go rapidly; fly; scurry.
2. to go rapidly over.
3. a grating or whirring sound.
[1540–50; variant of scour2]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: skirred
Gerund: skirring

I skirr
you skirr
he/she/it skirrs
we skirr
you skirr
they skirr
I skirred
you skirred
he/she/it skirred
we skirred
you skirred
they skirred
Present Continuous
I am skirring
you are skirring
he/she/it is skirring
we are skirring
you are skirring
they are skirring
Present Perfect
I have skirred
you have skirred
he/she/it has skirred
we have skirred
you have skirred
they have skirred
Past Continuous
I was skirring
you were skirring
he/she/it was skirring
we were skirring
you were skirring
they were skirring
Past Perfect
I had skirred
you had skirred
he/she/it had skirred
we had skirred
you had skirred
they had skirred
I will skirr
you will skirr
he/she/it will skirr
we will skirr
you will skirr
they will skirr
Future Perfect
I will have skirred
you will have skirred
he/she/it will have skirred
we will have skirred
you will have skirred
they will have skirred
Future Continuous
I will be skirring
you will be skirring
he/she/it will be skirring
we will be skirring
you will be skirring
they will be skirring
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been skirring
you have been skirring
he/she/it has been skirring
we have been skirring
you have been skirring
they have been skirring
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been skirring
you will have been skirring
he/she/it will have been skirring
we will have been skirring
you will have been skirring
they will have been skirring
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been skirring
you had been skirring
he/she/it had been skirring
we had been skirring
you had been skirring
they had been skirring
I would skirr
you would skirr
he/she/it would skirr
we would skirr
you would skirr
they would skirr
Past Conditional
I would have skirred
you would have skirred
he/she/it would have skirred
we would have skirred
you would have skirred
they would have skirred
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
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Suddenly, one of the oldest, and the most ferocious of them all, broke out of the ring, and skirred away in the direction of her victims, like a rapacious bird, that having wheeled on poised wings, for the time necessary to ensure its object, makes the final dart upon its prey.