shark net

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shark net


shark mesh

1. (Fishing) a net for catching sharks
2. a long piece of netting strung across a bay, inlet, etc, to exclude sharks
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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"A 4.6m (15-foot) Great White Shark was caught in the beach shark net. The tail alone was 2m (6.5 feet) tall, with the pectorial fins of over 1m (3 feet).
Adamson describes how "the boy looked for his favorite creatures, seahorses," which hover "in clear sight of the old fish," a dangerous predator rendered harmless on the other side of the shark net that encloses the bay.
Sharks are harvested as target species mainly by shark net (modified gill net) and hooks and lines and as a by catch in other commercial fishing.
Novelist Robert Drewe's excellent memoir, The Shark Net, takes place in 1950s Perth, and narrates not only his coming-of-age but also tells the story of a serial killer that threatened Perth's suburban lethargy.
Responding to an emergency call at 6am one morning they speed out to rescue a young, 25-tonne humpback whale entangled in a shark net just off the coast.
NEWPORT ended their summer jaunt trapped in a Shark net - but skipper Gary Teichmann reckons the wounds will make them stronger.
According to Humane Society International, a young whale calf had drowned and died while entangled in a shark net off Mona Vale beach in 2012.
Byline: Specialists have managed to free a humpback whale trapped in a shark net off the coast of Australia.
The risk of shark attacks is minimal, as the beach is protected by shark nets and watched over by lifeguards.