share option

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share option

(Stock Exchange) a scheme giving employees an option to buy shares in the company for which they work at a favourable price or discount
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The share option plan also sets out what happens if Joanne leaves.
Revenue is calling this a "compliance programme" for people who exercised a share option within their company in recent years.
Now wealthy fan George Letham - still out of pocket four months after bailing the club out of a financial crisis in February - has accused the current regime Turn to Page 61 From Back Page of misleading shareholders about Stockbridge's penny share option at December's agm.
Summary: The Board of Directors of Nobia has decided to transfer bought-back shares based on the authorisation granted by the 2014 Annual General Meeting and for the purpose of delivering shares under the employee share option scheme decided at the 2011 Annual General Meeting.
HM Revenue & Customs-approved Company Share Option Plans enable a firm to grant share options to selected executive directors and employees over shares with a maximum value of PS30,000 at the time of the grant.
Initially created as a method to incentivise key employees in a business, this share option scheme proved very popular in the mid-noughties to provide a share of the sale proceeds of a company to employees in a flexible, highly tax-efficient manner.
As per the Share Option Instructions, a company that intends to grant its employees such an option must first obtain the approval of its general assembly.
The options were granted to employees as an incentive and in recognition of their performance, under the company's Enterprise Management Incentive (EMI) share option scheme.
The most popular share option in recent years is the Enterprise Management Incentive (EMI) - a scheme aimed at entrepreneurial companies geared to take advantage of future capital growth.
TELECOMWORLDWIRE-6 May 2010-Allocate Software issues 44,828 ordinary shares of GBP0.05 each under share option schemes(C)1994-2010 M2 COMMUNICATIONS
The partnership certainly worked well when Share Option bolted up by seven lengths at Doncaster last time.