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You use seem to say that someone or something gives a particular impression.
Seem is usually followed by an adjective. If someone gives the impression of being happy, you can say that they seem happy. You can also say that they seem to be happy. There is no difference in meaning.
If the adjective is a non-gradable adjective such as alone or alive, you usually use seem to be. For example, you say 'He seemed to be alone'. You don't say 'He seemed alone'.
In order to say who has an impression of someone or something, use seem followed by an adjective and the preposition to.
Instead of an adjective, you can use a noun phrase after seem or seem to be. For example, instead of saying 'She seemed nice', you can say 'She seemed a nice person' or 'She seemed to be a nice person'. In conversation and in less formal writing, people often say 'She seemed like a nice person'.
Be Careful!
Don't use 'as' after seem. Don't say, for example, 'It seemed as a good idea'.
If the noun phrase contains a determiner such as the or a but not an adjective, you must use seemed to be. For example, say 'He seemed to be the owner of the car'. Don't say 'He seemed the owner of the car'.
You can use other to-infinitives besides 'to be' after seem. For example, you can say 'He seemed to need help'. You can also say 'It seemed that he needed help' or 'It seemed as though he needed help'.
Past participle: seemed
Gerund: seeming
Imperative |
seem |
seem |
Verb | 1. | seem - give a certain impression or have a certain outward aspect; "She seems to be sleeping"; "This appears to be a very difficult problem"; "This project looks fishy"; "They appeared like people who had not eaten or slept for a long time" make - appear to begin an activity; "He made to speak but said nothing in the end"; "She made as if to say hello to us" cut - give the appearance or impression of; "cut a nice figure" feel - produce a certain impression; "It feels nice to be home again" pass off - be accepted as something or somebody in a false character or identity; "She passed off as a Russian agent" sound - appear in a certain way; "This sounds interesting" come across - be perceived in a certain way; make a certain impression glow, radiate, beam, shine - have a complexion with a strong bright color, such as red or pink; "Her face glowed when she came out of the sauna" be - have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); "John is rich"; "This is not a good answer" loom - come into view indistinctly, often threateningly; "Another air plane loomed into the sky" feel - be felt or perceived in a certain way; "The ground feels shaky"; "The sheets feel soft" |
2. | seem - seem to be true, probable, or apparent; "It seems that he is very gifted"; "It appears that the weather in California is very bad" seem - appear to one's own mind or opinion; "I seem to be misunderstood by everyone"; "I can't seem to learn these Chinese characters" be - have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); "John is rich"; "This is not a good answer" | |
3. | seem - appear to exist; "There seems no reason to go ahead with the project now" be - have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); "John is rich"; "This is not a good answer" | |
4. | seem - appear to one's own mind or opinion; "I seem to be misunderstood by everyone"; "I can't seem to learn these Chinese characters" |
[ˈsiːm] viShe seems tired → Elle semble fatiguée., Elle a l'air fatigué.
The shop seemed to be closed → Le magasin semblait fermé., Le magasin avait l'air d'être fermé.
He seemed nice enough → Il semblait assez gentil., Il avait l'air assez gentil.
to seem to be ...
You seem to be very interested → Vous semblez très intéressé., Vous avez l'air très intéressé.
to seem like ...
That seems like a good idea → Cela semble une bonne idée.
it seems (that) ... (= it looks like) → il semble que ...
It seems that they want to leave.; It seems they want to leave → Il semble qu'ils veuillent partir. (= people say) → il paraît que ...
It seems she's getting married.; It seems that she's getting married → Il paraît qu'elle va se marier.
it seems as if ...
It seemed as if she'd been gone forever → On aurait dit qu'elle était partie depuis une éternité.
it seems to me that ... → il me semble que ...
there seems to be ... → il semble qu'il y ait ..., on dirait qu'il y a ...
There seems to be a problem → On dirait qu'il y a un problème.
There don't seem to be many people on campus today → Il semble qu'il n'y ait pas grand monde sur le campus aujourd'hui., On dirait qu'il n'y a pas grand monde sur le campus aujourd'hui.
what seems to be the trouble? → qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?
I seem to have lost all my self-confidence → Il semble que j'ai perdu toute ma confiance en moi.
I can't seem to do anything right → Je n'arrive pas à faire quoi que ce soit de bien.
I just couldn't seem to help myself → Je n'arrivais vraiment pas à m'en empêcher.
[siːm] vi → sembrare, parereshe seems capable → sembra (essere) in gamba
he seemed to be in difficulty → sembrava (trovarsi) in difficoltà
she seems to know you → sembra or pare che lei ti conosca
she seems not to want to leave → non dà segno di voler andar via
I seemed to be sinking → mi sembrava di affondare
I seem to have heard that before → questa mi pare di averla già sentita
I can't seem to do it → a quanto pare non ci riesco
how did he seem to you? → come ti è sembrato?
it seems (that) ... → sembra or pare che...+ sub
so it seems → così pare or sembra
it seems not → pare di no
it seems you're right → pare che tu abbia ragione
it seems ages since ... → mi sembra una vita da quando...
what seems to be the trouble? → cosa c'è che non va?
there seems to be a mistake → ci dev'essere un errore, sembra or pare che ci sia un errore
she died yesterday, it seems → pare che sia morta ieri
I did what seemed best → ho fatto quello che sembrava più opportuno