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The seed oyster price (US$3.33 and US$4.44/1000 diploid and triploid oysters, respectively) was used and profit was calculated using the production results obtained with the time to reach the commercial size, final survival rates of oysters and the price of C.
Reef structure In the summer, there were no differences in the volume of loose shells, shell clusters, vertical relief, total oyster density, seed oyster density, or mussel density (Table 1).
The sole railer in the race, Woodbrook Becks has the added benefit of having exwide seed Oyster Flight in trap two and appears assured of a solo.
In Table 3, the equation for seed oyster growth "-19.49+ 1.97(Temp) + 0.12(Sal) + -0.036[(Temp).sup.2]" should have been written as "-19.49 + 1.91(Temp) + 0.012(Sal) + -0.036[(Temp).sup.2]."
Haplosporidium nelsoni (MSX) on Delaware Bay seed oyster beds: a host-parasite relationship along a salinity gradient.
Monthly seed oyster growth rates were lower than observed spat growth rates and ranged from 1.3 mm [mo.sup.-1] in the winter to 14.9 mm [mo.sup.-1] in the early fall.
Seed grounds have been managed primarily for seed oyster production, but oysters at least 3 inches (7.6 cm) long can be harvested from them for direct sale.
In our field studies, higher seed oyster mortalities were observed in open cages compared with closed cages at MP and BG and were likely due to predation from blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus), stone crabs (Menippe adina), and black drums (Pogonias cromis) as evidenced by occasional crab, drum, and shell fragments in open cages lifted out of water during sampling (Fig.
Leases were purchased from private individuals to provide a state seed oyster reservation in Sister Lake, watchmen were hired, and housing facilities were secured.
The former is a direct product of seed oyster planting whereas the latter originates in both the initial shell deployment and, in areas A and D, shell overlay.
Also in 1965, efforts were made to control blue mussel beds which had spread to and destroyed certain softshell clam flats; and the Department contracted with the University of New Hampshire to study the soft-shell clam population in Hampton-Seabrook Harbor and the possibility of seed oyster production in Great Bay.
Haplosporidium nelsoni (MSX) on Delaware Bay seed oyster beds a host-parasite relationship along a salinity gradient.