schools inspector

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schools inspector

nSchulinspektor(in) m(f)
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References in periodicals archive ?
Chief schools inspector Graham Donaldson says too many pupils are failing to get to grips with the basics of reading and writing.
The plan is the centrepiece of a government-commissioned report by ex-Chief Schools Inspector Mike Tomlinson to be published tomorrow.
The working party, headed by ex-chief schools inspector Mike Tomlinson, is due to publish its second report on reform of secondary education next Tuesday.
A former school inspector and Professor of Education at Teesside University, after retiring as a schools inspector, he turned to writing, detailing his experiences in the classrooms of the Yorkshire Dales.
THE North East's most senior schools inspector has said her staff will be assessing teachers' pay levels at failing schools.
THE COUNTRY'S top schools inspector heaped praise on Knowsley's children's services team.
Ken Cripps, who lived in Hoylake, had an educational career that stretched from the late 1930s to the 1970s as a classroom teacher, headteacher and schools inspector.
Saying there was a "willingness" in government to look at the issue, former schools inspector Sir Mike Tomlinson said: "There continue to be serious questions about A-levels.
Chief schools inspector Graham Donaldson added: "We should not underestimate the scale of the work that has been carried out.
in which he will share his funny stories in a new show of life as a schools inspector in the Yorkshire Dales.
The former schools inspector and author of several gently humorous books is a very entertaining after-dinner speaker - as members of Trinity Methodist Church, Mirfield are acknowledging.

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