sand crab

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Related to sand crab: mole crab

sand crab

(Animals) Austral another name for blue swimmer
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References in periodicals archive ?
A Spider crab B Lobster C Hermit crab D Sand crab 14.
Aggregation in the Sand Crab, Emerita analoga (Stimpson).
Temperature and egg production by sand crab Emertia analoga (Decapoda Hippidae).
(2005) report that the epibiont mussel Semimytilus algosus (Gould, 1850) is apparently unfavorable to the basibiont Emerita analoga (Stimpson, 1857) by increasing its mass and damaging the surface of the carapace as well as reducing the growth and buoyancy of this sand crab. However, the specimen of Ostrea cf.
Feeding by the sand crab Portunus pelagicus on material discarded from prawn trawlers in Moreton Bay, Australia.
Larval development in the sand crab, Emerita emeritus (L., 1767) (Anomura, Hippoidea) reared in the laboratory.
We examined the abundance of the sand crab Lepidopa benedicti on South Padre Island, Texas.
The fenced-off area is also very important for the sand crab, the sand lizard and many plants listed in the Red Data Book of the Flora of Cyprus.
A rather indignant-looking sand crab and a laid-back brown crab to analyse more closely with his magnifying glass?
The measures of Blue crab's (Callinectes sapidus, Rathbun, 1896) and sand crab's (Portunus pelagicus, Linnaeus, 1758) breast meat fat contents were 1.51 [+ or -] 0.01 and 1.53 [+ or -] 0.01%, respectively [27].
The creator of The Simpsons, Matt Groening, was the inspiration behind the naming of a sand crab, Albunea groeningi.
His thoughts roam through each season, and he never misses a scurrying sand crab or fluttering butterfly without taking a closer look.