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adj. ros·i·er, ros·i·est
a. Having the characteristic pink or red color of a rose.
b. Reddened, as from exercise or exposure to the weather: children with rosy cheeks.
2. Consisting of, decorated with, or suggestive of a rose or roses.
3. Bright or cheerful; optimistic: rosy predictions.

ros′i·ly adv.
ros′i·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.rosiness - a rosy color (especially in the cheeks) taken as a sign of good healthrosiness - a rosy color (especially in the cheeks) taken as a sign of good health
good health, healthiness - the state of being vigorous and free from bodily or mental disease
2.rosiness - a healthy reddish complexion
complexion, skin color, skin colour - the coloring of a person's face
3.rosiness - a dusty pink colorrosiness - a dusty pink color      
pink - a light shade of red
old rose - a greyish-pink color
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
تَوَرُّد، إحْمِرار
rósrauîur litur


(rəuz) noun
1. a kind of brightly-coloured, usually sweet-scented flower, usually with sharp thorns.
2. (also adjective) (of) a pink colour. Her dress was pale rose.
rosette (rəˈzet) , ((American) rou-) noun
a badge or decoration in the shape of a rose, made of coloured ribbon etc.
ˈrosy adjective
1. rose-coloured; pink. rosy cheeks.
2. bright; hopeful. His future looks rosy.
ˈrosily adverb
ˈrosiness noun
ˈrosefish noun
North Atlantic rose-coloured fish used for food.
ˈrose hip noun
the red fruit of a rose, which is rich in vitamin C.
ˈrosewood noun, adjective
(of) a dark wood used for making furniture. a rose wood cabinet.
look at / see through rose-coloured spectacles/glasses
to take an over-optimistic view of.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in classic literature ?
She then became conscious that he was observing her; but she would not show it by any change of position, though the curious dream-like fixity disappeared, and a close eye might easily have discerned that the rosiness of her face deepened, and then faded till only a tinge of it was left.
Lena Lingard came across the stubble barefoot, in a short skirt, with a curved reaping-hook in her hand, and she was flushed like the dawn, with a kind of luminous rosiness all about her.
Into this dimly-lit and dim-featured group May Archer floated like a swan with the sunset on her: she seemed larger, fairer, more voluminously rustling than her husband had ever seen her; and he perceived that the rosiness and rustlingness were the tokens of an extreme and infantile shyness.
Then, too, but not sharply, she had perceived the short, square-set nose, the rosiness of cheek, and the firm, short upper lip, ere delight centered her flash of gaze on the well-modeled, large clean mouth where red lips smiled clear of the white, enviable teeth.
"You look very strong and well," said Newman, observing the erectness of her figure, and a certain venerable rosiness in her cheek.
In the usual state of her complexion--a healthy though delicate bloom--the mark wore a tint of deeper crimson, which imperfectly defined its shape amid the surrounding rosiness. When she blushed it gradually became more indistinct, and finally vanished amid the triumphant rush of blood that bathed the whole cheek with its brilliant glow.
Certain tall white cones of rock rose out of the purple sea; they flushed in the afternoon light and their vague rosiness gave them a human expression in face of the cold expanse toward which the prow was turned; they seemed to say farewell, to be the last note of a peopled world.