
(redirected from ridgeways)


(Human Geography) Brit a road or track along a ridge, esp one of great antiquity
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


[ˈrɪdʒweɪ] Nruta f de las crestas
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
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It is altogether a place that you won't forget, a place to open a man's soul, and make him prophesy, as he looks down on that great Vale spread out as the garden of the Lord before him, and wave on wave of the mysterious downs behind, and to the right and left the chalk hills running away into the distance, along which he can trace for miles the old Roman road, "the Ridgeway" ("the Rudge," as the country folk call it), keeping straight along the highest back of the hills--such a place as Balak brought Balaam to, and told him to prophesy against the people in the valley beneath.
Passing along the Ridgeway to the west for about a mile, we come to a little clump of young beech and firs, with a growth of thorn and privet underwood.
Passing along the Ridgeway to the east, we soon come to cultivated land.
-- why, I was that scared I dasn't hardly go to bed, or get up, or lay down, or SET down, Sister Ridgeway. Why, they'd steal the very -- why, goodness sakes, you can guess what kind of a fluster I was in by the time midnight come last night.
figure By BRIAN WASUNA The High Court has granted businessman Daniel Kimani Kariuki control of Ridgeways Inn-The Yard on Kiambu Road, and barred his former fianceacutee Sylvia Wamboi Karanja from setting foot in the popular nightclub.
The judge ruled on Wednesday that Ms Karanja's objection to the suit did not respond to the grave forgery allegations levelled against her, warranting the orders issued.INJUNCTION"This court was also swayed that an injunction ought to be issued because of the fact that Sylvia has not filed, as far as the court is concerned, a defence or a memorandum of appearance even though she was served with the summons and plaint (main case document) on October 16, 2018."The judge stopped Ms Karanja from receiving any payments from Ridgeways Inn and interfering with her ex-fianceacute's access and control of the club until the suit is determined.
In order to create the product, the Ridgeways got in touch with a major drinks firm which helped get it into development and put it through all the necessary tests.
Bailey rented the Ridgeways' four-bed detached home in Gloucester for pounds 1,000 a month.
The attack happened as the Ridgeways confronted him six days earlier.
Surrounding her is a who's-who of former TV luminaries, with Mindy Cohn ("The Facts of Life") as the family's chef, "Married" alum David Faustino in a barely verbal cameo as the Ridgeways' boozing brother and a recurring part for Tori Spelling as the dog walker.
figure By BRIAN WASUNA figure By ERIC WAINAINA The fight for the ownership of Ridgeways Inn-The Yard on Kiambu Road has opened a can of worms, with two erstwhile lovers fighting to take control of the business.Mr Daniel Kimani Kariuki last month filed a suit at the Milimani High Court claiming his fianceacutee, Ms Sylvia Wambui Karanja, had forged documents to squeeze him and his niece Ruth Maigua out of the inn's ownership.
Anna and Ben Ridgeway have invented a folic acid drink for pregnant mothers