
Also found in: Acronyms.
Related to repat: repatriate


n. Informal
A person who moves back to his or her native country after emigrating; a repatriate.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Evacuated to 1NZGH 93/11/43 Tubercular Spine) Repat POW can not be employed active Mil Service)
Oh, think of us, we beg of you, in nineteen ninety four, Still battling against terrific odds to keep Repat. from the door...
Ravens: Aiming to repat last season's play-off victory, and have no major new injuries.
MacFarlane refused, was fired pronto...Doug MacFarlane at least solved his own repat problem.
TABLE 5 Newman-Kuels Planned Comparison Test for Differences in Means Across Distributive and Interactional Justice Interactional Distributive Justice justice High Med Low Hi Repat = 5.72 Repat = 4.61 Repat = 3.49 Nwom = 2.04 Nwom = 3.11 Nwom = 3.89 (n = 43) (n = 45) (n =44) Lo Repat = 2.37 Repat = 2.12 Repat = 1.95 Nwom = 5.10 Nwom = 5.49 Nwom = 5.67 (n = 44) (n = 46) (n = 43) Experimental Condition Repat Nwom 1 2 3 4 5 1) hi dist/hi inter 5.72 2.04 2) med dist/hi inter 4.61 3.11 * 3) low disUhi inter 3.49 3.89 * * 4) hi dist/low inter 2.37 5.10 * * * 5) med dist/low inter 2.12 5.49 * * * 6) low dist/low inter 1.95 5.67 * * * Notes: The data was collapsed over procedural justice.
Hamakua Sugar's harvest may be especially bitter: With the company struggling to meet a December 31 deadline to repat its lenders, this season may be its last (see story, page 23).
Outra iniciativa que tambem pode auxiliar na qualidade das notificacoes e a Rede de Prevencao de Acidentes de Trabalho com exposicao a material biologico (REPAT), que possibilita aos servicos de seguranca dos hospitais brasileiros cadastrarem-se na rede online, notificando os acidentes ocorridos nos servicos de saude nos quais atuam (17).
Acidentes com material biologico em hospital da Rede de Prevencao de Acidentes do Trabalho REPAT. Rev.
TABLE 3 Standardized Estimates for Measurement Model Factor Loadings Theta Just Repat Nwom Imp Att Los S/C Delta Just1 .916 .161 Just2 .900 .189 Just3 .878 .229 Repat1 .829 .313 Repat2 .848 .281 Nwom .894 .200 Imp1 .658 .567 Imp2 .867 .248 Imp3 .740 .453 Att1 .596 .645 Att2 .656 .569 Att3 .648 .580 Los1 .824 .321 Los2 .815 .335 Los3 .511 .739 SC1 .681 .536 SC2 .741 .450 The direct effects of attitude toward complaining on complainants' negative word-of-mouth behavior and repatronage intentions.
Concord General (Repat) Hospital--50 year reunion Searching for nurses who did their training at Concord General from 1958-1962.