
(redirected from reenters)


also re-en·ter (rē-ĕn′tər)
v. re·en·tered, re·en·ter·ing, re·en·ters also re-en·tered or re-en·ter·ing or re-en·ters
1. To enter or come in to again.
2. To record again on a list or ledger.
3. To become again a participant, member, or part of: reenter civilian life after military service.
To enter again.

re·en′trance n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(riˈɛn tər)

1. to enter again.
2. to participate in once more: to reenter politics.
3. to record again, as in a list or account.
4. to enter again.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
They departed again on the 26th of May, and reentered Kazeh on the 20th of June.
Nevertheless, by some feminine inconsistency, evidently the circumstance did make them think more of HIM, for a minute later, when they had reentered their own room, Christie remarked, "The idea of petting a man by his family name!
There was also a short letter from the Count to his wife: after reading it, Newland Archer rose, jammed the papers back into their envelope, and reentered Mr.
I rose and left her without another look at her, met the others as they reentered the room and said, as calmly as I could: "I have been bidding Miss Margovan good evening; it is later than I thought."
"Did thee say thy name was Harris?" said Simeon to Eliza, as he reentered.
When, after a little while more, he should deem it time to reenter his parlor, his wife would clap her hands for joy, on beholding the middle-aged Mr.
To my gratification he told me that I could reenter the institution, and that he would trust me to pay the debt when I could.
I reentered the prospector and fetched a compass without.
When the vicarage caught fire he distinguished himself also by the fearlessness with which he reentered the building to save property, after the local fire brigade had given it up as impossible.
She rewarded her cavalier with a smile, the cheery glow of which was seen reflected on his own face as he reentered the vehicle.
Once outside, he and Planchet set off as fast as they could; and by making a long detour avoided the wood and reentered the city by another gate.
In this more placid state of things William reentered, followed not far behind by his mother and Betsey.