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reel 1

1. A device, such as a cylinder, spool, or frame, that turns on an axis and is used for winding and storing rope, tape, film, or other flexible materials.
2. A cylindrical device attached to a fishing rod to let out or wind up the line.
3. The quantity of wire, film, or other material wound on one reel.
4. A set of curved lawnmower blades that rotate around a bar parallel to the ground, cutting grass while moving against a stationary straight blade.
tr.v. reeled, reel·ing, reels
1. To wind on or let out from a reel.
2. To recover by winding on a reel: reel in a large fish.
Phrasal Verb:
reel off
To recite fluently and usually at length: reeled off a long list of names and dates.

[Middle English, from Old English hrēol.]

reel′a·ble adj.

reel 2

v. reeled, reel·ing, reels
1. To be thrown off balance or fall back: reeled from the sharp blow.
2. To stagger, lurch, or sway, as from drunkenness: reeled down the alley.
3. To go round and round in a whirling motion: gulls reeling and diving.
4. To feel dizzy: My head reeled with the facts and figures.
To cause to reel.
1. A staggering, swaying, or whirling movement.
a. A moderately fast dance of Scottish origin.
b. The Virginia reel.
c. The music for one of these dances.

[Middle English relen, to whirl about, probably from reel, spool; see reel1.]

reel′er n.

reel 3

n. Maine
A handheld hammer used in a quarry for shaping granite blocks.

[Origin unknown.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.reeler - someone who walks unsteadily as if about to fallreeler - someone who walks unsteadily as if about to fall
pedestrian, footer, walker - a person who travels by foot
2.reeler - a dancer of reels
folk dancer - someone who does folk dances
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Cope won honourable mention at the Hollywood film festival, One Reeler Short Film Competition.
It was only binding to the political parties that had signed the agreement and not any other body or entity (Matyszak and Reeler 2011: 8).
[24.] Dye TD, Bogale S, Hobden C, Tilahun Y, Deressa T, Reeler A.
The result was the first film out of The Roundhouse Originals stable - a two-and-a-half minute micro-documentary, When the Poet Knocks, which was finished in autumn 2017 and went on to charm the judges at the One Reeler short film awards in Los Angeles - being named Best Documentary in January of this year.
She worked for a while as a bookbinder at Barker's in Market Place, Huddersfield, but spent most of her working life in textiles as a reeler and twister at Longbottom's Mill, firstly at Lord Street and later at Leeds Road.
(12.) Patel, V., Abas, M., Broadhead, J., Todd, C., Reeler, A., Depression in developing countries: Lessons from Zimbabwe.
A signal peptide with 18 amino acids and a typical reeler domain was found in ApDef protein.
It means the berries, already loosened off their woody vines by a machine called a reeler, will float high enough over the plants to be easily corralled.
Mrs O'Keefe, also 71, worked as a reeler at Bates and Company at Queen Street South for 25 years.