
Also found in: Medical.


vb (tr)
to attach (something) again
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


Past participle: reattached
Gerund: reattaching

I reattach
you reattach
he/she/it reattaches
we reattach
you reattach
they reattach
I reattached
you reattached
he/she/it reattached
we reattached
you reattached
they reattached
Present Continuous
I am reattaching
you are reattaching
he/she/it is reattaching
we are reattaching
you are reattaching
they are reattaching
Present Perfect
I have reattached
you have reattached
he/she/it has reattached
we have reattached
you have reattached
they have reattached
Past Continuous
I was reattaching
you were reattaching
he/she/it was reattaching
we were reattaching
you were reattaching
they were reattaching
Past Perfect
I had reattached
you had reattached
he/she/it had reattached
we had reattached
you had reattached
they had reattached
I will reattach
you will reattach
he/she/it will reattach
we will reattach
you will reattach
they will reattach
Future Perfect
I will have reattached
you will have reattached
he/she/it will have reattached
we will have reattached
you will have reattached
they will have reattached
Future Continuous
I will be reattaching
you will be reattaching
he/she/it will be reattaching
we will be reattaching
you will be reattaching
they will be reattaching
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been reattaching
you have been reattaching
he/she/it has been reattaching
we have been reattaching
you have been reattaching
they have been reattaching
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been reattaching
you will have been reattaching
he/she/it will have been reattaching
we will have been reattaching
you will have been reattaching
they will have been reattaching
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been reattaching
you had been reattaching
he/she/it had been reattaching
we had been reattaching
you had been reattaching
they had been reattaching
I would reattach
you would reattach
he/she/it would reattach
we would reattach
you would reattach
they would reattach
Past Conditional
I would have reattached
you would have reattached
he/she/it would have reattached
we would have reattached
you would have reattached
they would have reattached
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011


v. volver a juntar, volver a unir.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


vt reconectar, recolocar
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Then put a snapper at the end, so if they're crowded for space they can cut off your contents anywhere, reattach the snapper, and the story will still retain form.
He sorted and arranged the varied contents, and with a screwdriver and a longer screw reattached the button.
As he took his timepiece and reattached it to the guard I observed that his hands were unsteady.
But surgeons had other ideas, and sewed it on to his groin until skin grew back so they could reattach it.
A 29-year-old Kenyan who also lived in the house said that doctors asked for the piece of tongue to reattach it.
The family were rushed to the Royal Gwent Hospital in Newport where arrangements were made to reattach the finger, which had been wrapped in paper.
The unnamed patient, who was treated at Nantong Zhongshan Orthopaedic Hospital in East China's Jiangsu Province, underwent a 16 hour surgery to reattach his digits and have his palm sewn back together again.
The researchers suggest that organisations develop norms and routines that help employees reattach to work and support them in smoothly transitioning into the workday.
figure By AGGREY OMBOKI Surgeons at Kenyatta National Hospital have successfully reattached a teenager's severed manhood after a seven-hour operation.Led by Prof Stanley Khainga, the team of urologists and plastic surgeons worked to reattach the teenager's organ which was chopped off after an attack at home.
Katie's unusual operation to reattach her foot to her thigh was carried out by doctors at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Edinburgh, headed by consultant orthopaedic surgeon Sam Patton.
Surgeons were unable to reattach his ear, leaving him with 'life-changing injuries.'.
Saudi doctors reattach hand severed in freak accident.