

(riːˈɛnəˌdʒaɪz) or


vb (tr)
to inject with energy again; energize again
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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In response to the compliments, Moreno vowed that his administration would remain 'consistent' in its mission to re-energize the city.
Su said during a speech at the event that the government is striving to re-energize Taiwan's economy.
Governor Ortom stated that the committee was expected to provide further impetus for his administration to re-organize and re-energize the machinery of government in order to consolidate on the gains it had achieved in its first tenure.
Tranquility awaits guests at Ayana Spa, the place to relax and re-energize offering an extensive treatment menu.
"Sean is a tremendously capable manager whose leadership has helped to re-energize our state's business development efforts," the governor said.
"After 10 successful seasons, Fashion Forward's next edition will take place in October 2018, the additional time between events will enable the platform to further evolve as we build upon the new event format launched last season, nurture relationships with exciting new talent, continue to support seasoned designers, and re-energize the fashion design landscape," Bong Guerrero, CEO and co-founder of FFWD commented to Harpers Bazaar Arabia.
Fellow nurses, as I look back to 2015, beginning my term as your president, I was given an opportunity to reflect, refocus and re-energize on my nursing journey and how the Association has evolved over a century.
MP Franjieh called for the adoption of modern laws that re-energize the economic cycle and pave the way for investment flows, saying he hoped that a bold step at the economic level would have been adopted, in the aim of introducing change in the existing mindset and leading to increased national income.
They expressed hope that newly elected office bearers will not betray the confidence of the leadership reposed in them and will re-energize the party across Sindh.
When I make time for me and the activities that help clear my head and re-energize me, that's when all of the dots connect and ideas and insights emerge.
"Whether it's applied to every wall or featured in accessories, the cheerful spirit that radiates from this color will re-energize any room."