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Related to rally: Rally racing
ral·ly 1
(răl′ē)v. ral·lied, ral·ly·ing, ral·lies
1. To call together for a common purpose; assemble: rally troops at a parade ground.
2. To reassemble and restore to order: rally scattered forces.
3. To rouse or revive from inactivity or decline: paused to refresh themselves and rally their strength.
1. To come together for a common purpose: The candidate's supporters rallied on the common.
2. To join in an effort for a common cause: "In the terror and confusion of change, society rallied round the kings" (Garrett Mattingly).
a. To recover abruptly from a setback, disadvantage, or disease: The patient rallied after the fever broke.
b. To increase sharply in price or value after a decline: The housing market rallied in the spring.
4. Sports To exchange strokes before a point is won, as in tennis.
n. pl. ral·lies
1. A gathering, especially one intended to inspire enthusiasm for a cause: a political rally.
a. A reassembling, as of dispersed troops.
b. The signal ordering this reassembly.
a. An abrupt recovery from a setback, disadvantage, or disease: The doctor was delighted with the patient's rally.
b. A sharp increase in price or value after a decline.
4. Sports
a. An exchange of strokes in a court game such as tennis or volleyball, ending when one side fails to make a good return and resulting in a point or the loss of service.
b. A competition in which automobiles are driven over public roads and under normal traffic regulations but with specified rules as to speed, time, and route.
In sports such as volleyball, being a system of scoring in which points can be won both by the team that is serving and by the receiving team.
[French rallier, from Old French ralier : re-, re- + alier, to unite, ally; see ally.]
ral·ly 2
(răl′ē)v. ral·lied, ral·ly·ing, ral·lies
To tease good-humoredly: "She rallied him upon his battered scalp and his creaking back" (Upton Sinclair).
To engage in good-humored teasing or jesting.
[French railler, from Old French, to tease; see rail3.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
(ˈrælɪ)vb, -lies, -lying or -lied
1. to bring (a group, unit, etc) into order, as after dispersal, or (of such a group) to reform and come to order: the troops rallied for a final assault.
2. (when: intr, foll by to) to organize (supporters, etc) for a common cause or (of such people) to come together for a purpose
3. to summon up (one's strength, spirits, etc) or (of a person's health, strength, or spirits) to revive or recover
4. (Stock Exchange) (intr) stock exchange to increase sharply after a decline: steels rallied after a bad day.
5. (Tennis) (intr) tennis squash badminton to engage in a rally
6. (Squash & Fives) (intr) tennis squash badminton to engage in a rally
7. (Badminton) (intr) tennis squash badminton to engage in a rally
n, pl -lies
8. a large gathering of people for a common purpose, esp for some political cause: the Nuremberg Rallies.
9. a marked recovery of strength or spirits, as during illness
10. a return to order after dispersal or rout, as of troops, etc
11. (Stock Exchange) stock exchange a sharp increase in price or trading activity after a decline
12. (Tennis) tennis squash badminton an exchange of several shots before one player wins the point
13. (Squash & Fives) tennis squash badminton an exchange of several shots before one player wins the point
14. (Badminton) tennis squash badminton an exchange of several shots before one player wins the point
15. (Motor Racing) a type of motoring competition over public and closed roads
[C16: from Old French rallier, from re- + alier to unite; see ally]
ˈrallier n
(ˈrælɪ)vb, -lies, -lying or -lied
to mock or ridicule (someone) in a good-natured way; chaff; tease
[C17: from Old French railler to tease; see rail2]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(ˈræl i)v. -lied, -ly•ing, v.t.
1. to bring into order again; gather and organize or inspire anew: to rally scattered troops.
2. to draw or call together for a common action or effort: to rally one's friends.
3. to concentrate or revive, as one's strength or spirits.
v.i. 4. to come together for common action or effort.
5. to come together or into order again, as troops.
6. to come to the assistance of a person, party, or cause: to rally around the president.
7. to recover partially from illness.
8. to find renewed strength or vigor.
a. (of securities) to rise sharply in price after a drop.
b. (of a market) to show increased activity after a slow period.
10. (in tennis, badminton, etc.) to engage in a rally.
11. to participate in a long-distance automobile race.
12. (of a baseball team) to score one or more runs in one inning.
n. 13. a recovery from dispersion or disorder, as of troops.
14. a renewal or recovery of strength, activity, etc.
15. a partial recovery of strength during illness.
16. a mass meeting of people gathered for a common cause: a political rally.
17. a sharp rise in price or active trading after a declining market.
18. (in tennis, badminton, etc.)
a. an exchange of strokes between players before a point is scored.
b. the hitting of the ball back and forth prior to the start of a match.
19. the scoring of one or more runs in one inning in baseball.
20. Also, ral′lye. a long-distance automobile race, esp. for sports cars, held over public roads unfamiliar to the drivers, with numerous checkpoints along the route.
ral′li•er, n.
(ˈræl i)v.t. -lied, -ly•ing.
to ridicule in a good-natured way; banter.
[1660–70; < French railler to rail2]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
a group of persons gathered together with a common purpose, as a political rally, U.S., 1878; a scramble or chase; a series of strokes in tennis; a series of comments, criticisms or humorous banter between two or more participants.Example: rally of stirring springs, 1674.
Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
Past participle: rallied
Gerund: rallying
Imperative |
rally |
rally |
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
Period when the ball is in play.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
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Noun | 1. | rally - a large gathering of people intended to arouse enthusiasm assemblage, gathering - a group of persons together in one place pep rally - a rally (especially of students) before a game revival meeting, revival - an evangelistic meeting intended to reawaken interest in religion |
2. | rally - the feat of mustering strength for a renewed effort; "he singled to start a rally in the 9th inning"; "he feared the rallying of their troops for a counterattack" | |
3. | rally - a marked recovery of strength or spirits during an illness | |
4. | rally - an automobile race run over public roads | |
5. | rally - (sports) an unbroken sequence of several successive strokes; "after a short rally Connors won the point" squash rackets, squash racquets, squash - a game played in an enclosed court by two or four players who strike the ball with long-handled rackets badminton - a game played on a court with light long-handled rackets used to volley a shuttlecock over a net lawn tennis, tennis - a game played with rackets by two or four players who hit a ball back and forth over a net that divides the court Ping-Pong, table tennis - a game (trademark Ping-Pong) resembling tennis but played on a table with paddles and a light hollow ball group action - action taken by a group of people | |
Verb | 1. | rally - gather; "drum up support" |
2. | rally - call to arms; of military personnel | |
3. | rally - gather or bring together; "muster the courage to do something"; "she rallied her intellect"; "Summon all your courage" gather, pull together, collect, garner - assemble or get together; "gather some stones"; "pull your thoughts together" | |
4. | rally - return to a former condition; "The jilted lover soon rallied and found new friends"; "The stock market rallied" recuperate, go back, recover - regain a former condition after a financial loss; "We expect the stocks to recover to $2.90"; "The company managed to recuperate" | |
5. | rally - harass with persistent criticism or carping; "The children teased the new teacher"; "Don't ride me so hard over my failure"; "His fellow workers razzed him when he wore a jacket and tie" |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. gathering, mass meeting, convention, convocation, meeting, conference, congress, assembly, congregation, muster, hui (N.Z.) They held a rally to mark international human rights day.
2. recovery, improvement, comeback (informal), revival, renewal, resurgence, recuperation, turn for the better After a brief rally, shares returned to 126p.
recovery collapse, deterioration, relapse, turn for the worse
recovery collapse, deterioration, relapse, turn for the worse
1. gather together, unite, bring together, regroup, reorganize, reassemble, re-form He rallied his own supporters for a fight.
2. recover, improve, pick up, revive, get better, come round, perk up, recuperate, turn the corner, pull through, take a turn for the better, regain your strength, get your second wind He rallied enough to thank his doctor.
recover fail, deteriorate, worsen, get worse, relapse, take a turn for the worse
recover fail, deteriorate, worsen, get worse, relapse, take a turn for the worse
rally around or round gather, unite, collect, organize, assemble, get together, convene, mobilize, bond together, come together So many people have rallied round to help the family.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
verb1. To assemble, prepare, or put into operation, as for war or a similar emergency:
2. To regain one's health:
A return to normal health:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
إسْتِرداد المَريض صِحَّتَهاِجْتِمَاعتَبادُل مُسْتَمِر لضَرَبات الكُرهتَجَمُّع، إحْتِشادسِباق سَيّارات
rallyeshromážděnívýměna míčůznovu shromážditzotavení
batifjöldafundurjafna sig, ná sérlotaná saman aftur
atgautiatsigavimasmitingaspasikeitimas kirčiaisralis
atgūtiesatlabšanaatlabtilgstoša bumbiņas atsišanamanifestācija
rallyevýmena loptičiekznova zhromaždiť
cuộc mít-tinh lớn
1 [ˈrælɪ]A. N
1. (= mass meeting) (gen) → concentración f; (with speeches) → mítin m
there was a rally in Trafalgar Square → hubo una concentración en Trafalgar Square
there was a rally in Trafalgar Square → hubo una concentración en Trafalgar Square
3. (Tennis) → intercambio m de golpes
4. (Fin) (= revival) → recuperación f
5. (Med) (= recovery) → recuperación f; (= improvement) → mejora f
6. (Mil) → repliegue m
1. (= gather) (Pol) → concentrar (Mil) → reunir
1. (= gather in support) to rally to or behind sb; rally to sb's side or support → solidarizarse con algn
to rally to the call → acudir a la llamada
to rally to the call → acudir a la llamada
2. (in demonstration) → concentrarse, reunirse
3. (Mil) → reorganizarse
4. (Fin, Med) (= recover) → recuperarse; (= improve) → mejorar
rally round rally around
A. VI + ADV everyone must rally round → todos tenemos que cooperar
we all rallied round to help → todos nos juntamos para ayudar
we all rallied round to help → todos nos juntamos para ayudar
B. VI + PREP to rally round sb → reunirse en torno a algn, solidarizarse con algn
2 [ˈrælɪ] VT (= tease) → tomar el pelo aCollins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
[ˈræli] n
(= public meeting) → meeting m, rassemblement m
a political rally → un meeting politique
a peace rally → un rassemblement pour la paix
a protest rally → un meeting de protestation
a political rally → un meeting politique
a peace rally → un rassemblement pour la paix
a protest rally → un meeting de protestation
(TENNIS) → échange m
(= unite) → se rallier
to rally behind sb → se rallier autour de qn
to rally to sb's support → se rallier à la cause de qn
to rally behind sb → se rallier autour de qn
to rally to sb's support → se rallier à la cause de qn
[Stock Exchange] → reprendre
rally around
rally round (British) vi → se mobiliser
vt fus → se rallier àrally car n → voiture f de rallyerally driver n → pilote mf de rallyerally driving n → rallye mrallying call n → cri m de ralliementrallying cry n → cri m de ralliementrallying point n → point m de ralliement
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
(= gathering) → (Massen)versammlung f; (with speaker) → Kundgebung f; (of troops) → (Ver)sammlung f; (Aut) → Rallye f; electoral rally → Wahlversammlung f; peace rally → Friedenskundgebung f; youth rally → Jugendtreffen nt
(in health, spirits) → Erholung f
(Tennis etc) → Ballwechsel m
(St Ex) → Erholung f
vt troops, supporters → (ver)sammeln, zusammenrufen; to rally one’s strength → all seine Kräfte sammeln or zusammennehmen; rallying call or cry → Slogan m
(troops, people) → sich sammeln, sich versammeln; rallying point → Sammelplatz m; to rally to the support of somebody (fig) → jdm in Scharen zu Hilfe eilen
2Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
[ˈrælɪ]1. n (of troops, people, also) (Pol) → raduno, riunione f (Aut) → rally m inv (Tennis) → lungo scambio di colpi
3. vi (troops, supporters) → riunirsi; (revive, recover, patient, strength, share prices) → riprendersi
rally round
1. vi + adv (fig) (cause) → far fronte comune
2. vi + prep (person needing help) → stringersi intorno a
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(ˈrӕli) verb1. to come or bring together again. The general tried to rally his troops after the defeat; The troops rallied round the general.
2. to come or bring together for a joint action or effort. The supporters rallied to save the club from collapse; The politician asked his supporters to rally to the cause.
3. to (cause to) recover health or strength. She rallied from her illness.
noun – plural ˈrallies – 1. a usually large gathering of people for some purpose. a Scouts' rally.
2. a meeting (usually of cars or motorcycles) for a competition, race etc.
3. an improvement in health after an illness.
4. (in tennis etc) a (usually long) series of shots before the point is won or lost.
rally round to come together for a joint action or effort, especially of support. When John's business was in difficulty, his friends all rallied round (to help) him.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ اِجْتِمَاع shromáždění rally Massenversammlung συλλαλητήριο concentración, mitin joukkokokous rassemblement skup raduno 大集会 대회 bijeenkomst samling zjazd comício съезд rally การชุมนุม miting cuộc mít-tinh lớn 集会Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009