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a company operating a chain of pubic houses
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Upon High Tide acquiring a 100% interest in the Project, Pubco shall grant to Altius a 2.75% gross sales royalty (GSR) on all iron ore produced, removed, and recovered from the Project.
On Monday, brewer and pubco Greene King announced it had accepted an 850p per share bid by Hong Kong listed international conglomerate CK Asset Holdings - controlled by billionaire Hong Kong tycoon Li Ka-shing.
The shares of Class A Common Stock issued in the private placement will convert into shares of Pubco common stock on a one-for-one basis upon the closing the business combination.
(12.) See Cydney Posner, CII Petitions NYSE and Nasdaq Regarding Multi-Class Share Structures, COOLEY PUBCO (Oct.
(explaining that the SEC's guidance "[a]llows the Pubco, in
In October, MTech Acquisition and MJ Freeway entered into a definitive merger agreement to become subsidiaries of newly formed holding company Pubco, the company said.
That means tenants rent from pub owners with an obligation to purchase alcohol from the company that owns the pub, commonly known as a Pubco.
"They are owner-run so don't face the costs of a pubco and they seem to be doing well, so there are opportunities."
One local tied landlord told me that having to buy beer from his pubco meant that one particular beer he sold was PS30 per cask more expensive than if he was allowed buy exactly the same beer directly from the brewer only 20 miles away.
The licence, submitted tothe council by Ninkasi Pubco Ltd, sets out proposals which could see alcohol served at the venue from 10am to midnight seven days a week.
The licence, submitted to Newcastle City Council by Ninkasi Pubco Ltd, sets out proposals which could see alcohol served at the venue from 10am to midnight seven days a week.
This 'tie' requires the tenant to purchase beers and other drinks through their landlord, historically a brewer but more recently this has tended to be an independent pub-owning company (pubco) for example Punch Taverns or Enterprise Inns.