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1. a purveyor
2. (Roman Catholic Church) RC Church a person who holds a papal provision
3. (Roman Catholic Church) RC Church an ecclesiastic who assists an archbishop or bishop
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Under DENR's Adopt-an-Estero/Water Body program, the water bodies covered by the DENR-MPIC accord are Esteros de Vitas, San Lazaro, Kabulusan, Magdalena, Binondo, Dela Reina, Sampaloc, San Sebastian, San Miguel, Valencia, Uli-uli, Paco, Pandacan, Tanque, Balete, Provisor, Concordia, Sunog Apog, San Antonio Abad and Quiapo.
The five-year partnership covers the adoption by MPIC of the Esteros de Vitas, San Lazaro, Kabulusan, Magdalena, Binondo, Dela Reina, Sampaloc, San Sebastian, San Miguel, Valencia, Uli-Uli, Paco, Pandacan, Tanque, Balete, Provisor, Concordia, Sunog Apog, San Antonio Abad and Quiapo.
The property-located in Isla de Provisor in Paco, Manila-is composed of eight lots totaling 20,975 square meters, or more than two ha.
The Manila thermal facility is situated along the Pasig River in Isla de Provisor, Paco, Manila and has an indicative area of 20,975 square meters.
Any bikes with issues were brought to Main Street Bicycles in Carpentersville and fixed by owner Jeff Provisor.
Asistieron a esa primera sesion el vicepresidente de la Republica encargado del Poder Ejecutivo, general de brigada Domingo Caicedo; los ministros del Despacho Jose Ignacio de Marquez (Hacienda), Joaquin Paris (Guerra y Marina), Vicente Borrero (Relaciones Exteriores) y Alejandro Osorio (Interior); el presidente de la Alta Corte de Justicia, Felix Restrepo; el arzobispo de Bogota, Fernando Caicedo y Florez; el provisor del Arzobispado, doctor Juan Fernandez de Sotomayor, y el general de brigada, Jose Maria Ortega.
The episcopal administration, headed by the bishop, provisor and vicar general, all of whom were assisted by a number of judicial officers, was structured around two organisms that worked in a cooperative and complementary way (70).