[23] Released after a year, he served again as a proveditor in 1513 and 1516.
Thousands of Venetian troops died in the struggle, including a high-ranking proveditor stabbed to death by his Spanish captors.
If ever a proveditor in our service deserved to be praised, it is this magnificent proveditor.
The latter admired Alviano, which may explain why his account of La Motta blames the battle on the murdered proveditor and portrays Alviano as striving to restrain his truculent instincts.
He declared to Gritti and his colleagues: "Honored proveditors, if you want this fine army not to go over the river, then give me an order in writing, for otherwise I will cross." [28] On 14 May 1509, the Venetian rearguard, commanded by Alviano, clashed with the main French army, and, after hours of hard fighting, Alviano was defeated and captured.
Gritti believed that Venetian aggression at this time was highly risky, and he criticized other proveditors who did not heed his warnings about enemy action.
While the French put lesser proveditors seized at Brescia in chains to induce them to pay liberal ransoms, Gritti received the utmost courtesy and departed for the court of Louis XII in Blois more in the guise of an ambassador than of a prisoner." [61]
Once the French take the field, we become their slaves, and it will not do to say that we have captains and proveditors, for the French will do as they please.
By selecting a general who would share his views, Gritti enforced his Fabian policy, ensuring that proveditors and lesser condottieri adhered to it, despite their disagreement or incomprehension.
(2) Fifteen years before, Cosimo had put all charitable hostels (or ospedali) in the dominion under the supervision of a new magistracy known as the Provveditori sopra Ii derelitti e poveri mendicanti (Proveditors over the abandoned and begging poor).
poveri mendicanti" (commissioners and proveditors of the begging poor), with a broad mandate "di disponer provedere et ordinare in benefitio commodo et sublevamento deli detti poveri" (to order, provide, and manage in benefit [the] accommodation and subvention of these poor).