

(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) in favour of or supporting reform, esp within politics
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The successful branding of public intellectuals' dissent as pro-West, entitled, excessively critical, and anti-China weakened the authority of their generally civil attempts to direct the public toward proreform perspectives.
Ariel Casilao said Taguiwalo's rejection was 'a blatant proof that proreform officials will not be tolerated by institutions of traditional politics, hence, is causal of poverty and misery to the people.'
(96) Where the military remained neutral or proreform, there were better chances of avoiding democratic breakdown and of enhancing slow democratic deepening.
Far from being cowed by the rise of Ukip, he is expected to give an unashamedly pro-EU - but also proreform - message when he meets with French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius today.
In recent years, a number of proreform think tanks have adopted this talking point, calling for increased use of ability grouping in schools.
is not reviewable." (271) Federal courts would therefore have much more limited jurisdiction to hear cases brought by proreform groups.
Moreover, this opposition was not counterbalanced by proreform support.
Obama's enthusiastic support for charter schools was one of the things that set him apart from his Democratic predecessors and marked him as a "proreform" Democrat.
(96) The governments in BC and Ontario appeased proreform caucus members when they constituted the Assemblies and benefitted from the approval of interest groups advocating change, (97) but retained discretion to undermine electoral reform at the referendum stage if it was in their interests.
The emergence of new pro-reform principal groups like New Leaders for New Schools and new proreform teacher groups like Educators 4 Excellence and Teach Plus is a promising development in this regard, but it does not appear that ERAOs have developed a strategy for capitalizing on it as of yet.
H3b: Strong constitutional powers strengthened the ability of proreform presidents to pursue market-oriented policies, particularly the adoption of first-generation market-oriented policies.
Some UPA ministers are of the view that the SP is a proreform party and that the government may not be able to push key reform agenda with the Trinamool holding a gun to it.