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Related to progenitorial: repopulate


(Biology) characteristic of a progenitor
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Hardly do citizens commence hating each other merely due to ethnic and progenitorial differences.
Both lepidotrichia and actinotrichia are formed during this regenerative process known as epimorphic regeneration, a process involving the presence of a proliferative mass of pluripotent, progenitorial cells denominated the blastema, and the reconstitution of the tissue complex surrounding multiple cell types (Akimenko et al., 2003).
In Yolnu epistemology, all that is found in the natural world--from the topography of country to the diversity of species found on them; from the living ecologies that sustain them to human life itself--are modeled on the metaphysical archetypal forms of wanarr such as Birrkuda ('Short-Nosed Bee') and stand as mali' ('shadows', 'reflections') of their progenitorial agency.