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[ˌprəʊəˈbɔːʃən] ADJpro-aborto, proabortista
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
In the weeks since President Trump's State of the Union Address, pro-abortion media have run wild with "fact check" pieces rating President Trump's comments as "false." A closer look at the claims of the "fact-checkers" reveals more about the abortion supporters than about the President's truthful and accurate remarks.
15 truly reflect the values of the pro-abortion movement?
However, abundant evidence shows the exact opposite: The pro-abortion people are the violent ones, as documented in a report entitled "Pro-Abortion Violence" and a special website by Human Life International.
Ignatieff's call for more abortions and contraception worldwide, inspired no doubt by the feminist clique in his party, ran into immediate opposition, none of which was reported by the pro-abortion media.
Recent proposals put forward by the pro-abortion lobby proves how utterly twisted and sick our society is.
church leaders and prolife activist groups have long been concerned that great numbers of Catholic elected officials are ignoring this prolife doctrine with state merits that appear to be pro-abortion. They talk of "a woman's right to choose," but in Catholic understanding a woman does not have the moral right to choose the termination of her unborn fetus.
"A manifest lack of proper disposition for Holy Communion is found to be present in those who consistently support pro-abortion legislation," reads the bishops' decree, as reported by the Religion News Service.
Terry names McGregor along with Charlize Theron, Christina Aguilera, Jane Fonda, Kevin Bacon and Jennifer Aniston, on a list of celebrities he claims support a pro-abortion march.
SJR: Your article on Archbishop Burke seems to suggest that Archbishop Burke should keep quiet with regard to politics and, in particular, pro-abortion Catholic politicians who deliberately oppose Church teaching/doctrine, much like Pius XII remained silent when the Nazis were butchering the Jews.
Pro-life Senator Mitch McConnell continues to be the Republican Majority Leader, and pro-abortion Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi was elected Speaker.
Planned Parenthood is setting aside a reported $18 million to help in the campaigns of pro-abortion Democratic candidates.