

having no port, without a port
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The FS is a portless tube that provides a consistent point of impact and requires no tools for changing chokes.
Kobayashi et al., "Portless endoscopic adrenalectomy via a single minimal incision using a retroperitoneal approach: experience with initial 30 cases," International Journal of Urology, vol.
We use the camera arm and one robotic arm for this technique and employ three robotic instruments and a portless 2-mm grasper.
New--the Asthma Rescue Kit for ER & ICU, incorporating the Medicator with a 90 mL continuous nebulizer & reservoir bag, will provide economical & standardized Heliox and/or bronchodilator therapy in a closed, low-flow, 0-resistance system w/ integral exhalation filtration and a portless mask.
Mono and coextrusion blown film dies include portless and conventional with standard or center-fed IBC, integrated control system and hardware.
Integrated circuits use self-contained, portless hydraulic cartridge valves designed to be installed into SAE cavities (machined spaces in the body into which the cartridge is threaded).