
Also found in: Financial, Idioms.
Related to plain-vanilla: Plain vanilla swap


having no embellishments; simple; basic.
[alluding to vanilla ice cream, taken to be the most basic flavor]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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The numbers will be higher than a plain-vanilla E5, but worth looking at.
Developers were ready to commit to Olympic-size pools, extensive green zones and not just confine their promotional strategies to plain-vanilla brick-and-mortar launches.
So it appears market domination will remain in the hands of the plain-vanilla originators for at least the foreseeable future.
The film has a good cast, and is competently made in a plain-vanilla way, but its greatest appeal will be to those who share its endorsement of traditional religious values.
These apps will help the customer discover the many uses of mobile internet apart from plain-vanilla Internet browsing.
Furthermore, is witnessing an increase of 30% in Average Selling Point (ASP) of mobiles since January 2012 clearly indicating that more and more Indians are moving from plain-vanilla mobile phones to smarter devices.
"You will see incredible results even out of what I consider to be absolutely plain-vanilla technology," Marchionne told reporters at an auto industry conference in Traverse City, Michigan.
The department could have built a plain-vanilla concrete box girder bridge for an estimated $141 million.
In terms of iconic events, the Washington summit, which closed last Saturday, was in the words of Simon Johnson, an economist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a former chief economist of the IMF, a plain-vanilla one.
Every project we started was intended to give our plain-vanilla rancher the character of an older home.